Use "ytterbium" in a sentence

1. Anisaldehyde dimethyl acetal undergoes ytterbium-catalyzed tandem carboalkoxylation/Friedel

2. The material of the cathode is scythe-silver alloy or ytterbium-silver alloy.

3. Marignac suspected that ytterbia was a compound of a new element that he called "ytterbium".

4. Methods for fabricating a stent using a laser with an Ytterbium Tungstate active medium are disclosed.

5. Quantum degeneracy has been shown for only a handful of elements, among them several alkali metals and ytterbium.

6. In 1907, a French chemist Georges Urbain (1872–1938) reported that ytterbium was a mixture of two new elements and not a single element.