Use "yellow jackets" in a sentence

1. Athletic teams are known as the Yellow Jackets.

2. If you don't bother the yellow jackets, they won't bother you.

3. Yellow jackets are mostly black with distinctive yellow stripes on their Abdomens

4. “A lot of Connectivity and defensive passion,” Usher said, explaining the Yellow Jackets approach

5. Bald faced hornets are more closely related to yellow jackets than they are to hornets

6. Length : Bald faced hornets are larger than most yellow jackets, with workers ranging from 15 to 20 mm or more.

7. An interesting fact about Baldfaced hornets is that they aren’t actually hornets; they are more closely related to yellow jackets.

8. Street names for Barbiturates are Barbs, Block Busters, Christmas Trees, Goof Balls, Pinks, Red Devils, Reds & Blues, and Yellow Jackets.

9. According to entomologist Peter Landolt, smashing a yellow jacket breaks its venom sac and releases an alarm pheromone into the air, alerting other yellow jackets to come to the rescue, reports Science Digest.