Use "yellow fever" in a sentence

1. Yellow fever vaccine is a vaccine that protects against yellow fever.

2. Mosquitoes carry malaria, dengue, and yellow fever

3. Arboviruses such as dengue, yellow fever, and

4. Similar efforts may be effective against yellow fever.

5. We failed against malaria, yellow fever and yaws.

6. Malaria, yellow fever and Dengue fever can also be contracted in the Amazon region.

7. Yellow fever has been a source of several devastating epidemics.

8. I'm sure you've all heard of the disease yellow fever.

9. Diseases of Cholera Dengue Amoebiasis traveler traveler's diarrhea bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis) Typhoid Fever Yellow Fever Malaria amoebiasis what?

10. Commissioner Lamy's list includes: yellow fever, plague, cholera, meningitis, dengue, influenza, hepatitis, polio, typhoid fever, typhus and measles.

11. Yellow fever begins after an incubation period of three to six days.

12. The disease is caused by a virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae, which also includes yellow fever and dengue fever.

13. Recent Achievements in responding to health emergencies: Yellow fever vaccination March 2017 -- In response to the on-going yellow fever outbreak in Brazil, some 3.5 million doses of vaccine from the emergency stockpile were deployed to the country through the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for yellow fever.

14. The second strategy is to reduce populations of the adult yellow fever mosquito.

15. Since the 1980s, the number of cases of yellow fever has been increasing.

16. Recently, however, others, such as yellow fever and dengue, have made a comeback.

17. Cenotaphs indicate consumption (tuberculosis), yellow fever, and malaria were among the illnesses claiming lives

18. Some countries in Asia are theoretically in danger of yellow fever epidemics (mosquitoes with the capability to transmit yellow fever and susceptible monkeys are present), although the disease does not yet occur there.

19. They fought yellow fever, dysentery, parasites and . . . I saw . . . their gravestones —all through Africa.”

20. Smallpox, polio, tetanus, cholera, rabies, typhoid fever and yellow fever are some of the diseases for which vaccines or inoculations have been prepared.

21. This is what it looked like to have yellow fever in Cuba at that time.

22. After a few months in Quemados, Lazear, together with Walter Reed (1851–1902), James Carroll (1854–1907) and Aristides Agramonte (1869–1931), participated in a commission studying the transmission of yellow fever, the Yellow Fever Board.

23. The urban cycle is responsible for the major outbreaks of yellow fever that occur in Africa.

24. But Panama was all jungle , torrential rain , malaria and yellow fever , and the French failed catastrophically.

25. * May also please note that YELLOW FEVER VACCINATION is a mandatory requirement prior to travel to Ethiopia.

26. Already underway is a programme immunising all risk groups against DT, MMR, Yellow Fever and Hepatitis B.

27. 27 Nevertheless, the potential for a large urban yellow-fever outbreak in Santa Cruz remains beyond doubt.

28. And it definitively proved that it wasn't this magic dust called fomites in your clothes that caused yellow fever.

29. After passing the yellow fever virus through laboratory mice, Theiler found that the weakened virus conferred immunity on rhesus macaques.

30. Some progress was made upon a few, particularly the reduction of major epidemics of malaria, cholera, smallpox and yellow-fever.

31. Deng Acacia bantug la naman kareng lagyung thorntrees o kaya wattles, kayabe la reng yellow-fever acacia ampong umbrella Acacias.

32. His death from yellow fever was a great misfortune for the Colonists, who laid him to rest there in September 1704

33. Lazear was a physician at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore starting in 1895, where he studied malaria and yellow fever.

34. German: ·Afebrile (without a fever, having no fever)··Afebrile (having no fever, without a fever)

35. The Aedes aegypti, more commonly known as the yellow fever mosquito or Ankle biter, was first recorded in Orange County in 2015

36. Because of the bleeding tendency of yellow fever patients, a biopsy is only advisable post mortem to confirm the cause of death.

37. The Yellow Fever Initiative, launched by the WHO in 2006, vaccinated more than 105 million people in 14 countries in West Africa.

38. Arbovirus Any of the hundred or so viruses transmitted by an arthropod vectors such as mosquitoes, bugs, lice, ticks and mites. The group includes viruses that cause various forms of ENCEPHALITIS, haemorrhagic fevers, YELLOW FEVER, DENGUE, Kyasanur Forest disease, Rift Valley fever and Chikungunya Forest fever.

39. Adenoiditis - amygdalitis - anthracosis - Bituminosis - brucellosis - dengue fever - dry pleurisy - dumdum fever - famine fever - hong kong flu - hydrophobia - parrot fever - pharyngitis - psittacosis - rabbit fever - strep throat - the sniffles - the snuffles - trench fever - trench mouth - typhus fever - wet pleurisy - …

40. Synonyms for Ague include fever, malaria, miasma, miasm, paludism, jungle fever, fever and Ague, malarial fever, feverishness and affection

41. Global warming and rising temperatures also have implications for the spread of infectious diseases as disease vectors proliferate, exposing new regions and peoples to malaria, sleeping sickness, dengue fever, yellow fever and other insect-borne illnesses.

42. This outbreak of yellow fever follows an epizootic outbreak in monkeys that started in April 2007 and has since spread to 80

43. 25 Research on animals showed the compound controlled yellow fever, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, and murine cytomegalovirus, a type of herpes virus that afflicts rodents.

44. One main motivation for the study of viruses is the fact that they cause many important infectious diseases, among them the common cold, influenza, rabies, measles, many forms of diarrhea, hepatitis, Dengue fever, yellow fever, polio, smallpox and AIDS.

45. Lassa fever causes hemorrhagic fever frequently shown by immunosuppression.

46. Funding for medical research has contributed to advances in health care and, in some cases, to the eradication of certain diseases, such as yellow fever.

47. Bioweapons status: Former program terminated and stockpile destroyed (1970s) Agents (former): Plague, cholera, yellow fever, typhus, foot-and-mouth disease, glanders, potato beetle, wheat fungus

48. Marsh fever.

49. The fever...

50. Researchers at the nearby Yellow Fever Research Institute identified an unknown virus in a monkey in the Zika forest which is how it got its name.

51. In this phase people are likely to develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes, hence the name ‘yellow fever’), dark urine and abdominal pain with vomiting.

52. In rare cases (less than one in 200,000 to 300,000), the vaccination can cause yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease, which is fatal in 60% of cases.

53. Malignant catarrhal fever

54. Yellow dog or yellow dog toys, pictures, word CARDS "yellow dog".

55. Like most primates, Diana monkeys can always carry diseases that can be communicated to humans, like yellow fever and tuberculosis, but they are not important carriers of these.

56. It's the fever again.

57. His fever' s broken

58. * chills and fever ; and

59. 12 No cross reactions were observed between eastern equine encephalitis virus, western equine encephalitis and yellow fever virus strains,( which suggested a high specificity of established RT_PCR method.

60. The fever is breaking.

61. He has a fever.

62. Typhus fever results therefrom.

63. — African swine fever (ASF), Classical swine fever (CSF), Swine vesicular disease (SVD) & Bluetongue programmes

64. Yellow Crookneck Organic Yellow Summer Squash Seed

65. Hint - Actory - Portakabin Fever

66. 2.1.11 Malignant catarrhal fever

67. Definition of Arbovirus : any of various RNA viruses (as an arenavirus, bunyavirus, or flavivirus) that are transmitted chiefly by arthropods and include the causative agents of dengue, encephalitis, sandfly fever, and yellow fever Other Words from Arbovirus Example Sentences Learn More about Arbovirus Other Words from Arbovirus

68. African swine fever (ASF), Classical swine fever (CSF), Swine vesicular disease (SVD) & Bluetongue programmes

69. African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the causative agent of African swine fever (ASF).

70. The fever... burns you out.

71. Μy fever has subsided drastically.

72. He has a high fever.

73. His fever has been subdued.

74. Another has had rheumatic fever.

75. You're running a slight fever.

76. Global warming is the fever.

77. Their baby gets a fever.

78. Dusk rose tea eases fever.

79. We worked at fever pitch.

80. We vaccinate against scarlet fever.