Use "yearlings" in a sentence

1. Blueblood Thoroughbreds prides itself in providing the highest quality racehorse syndication shares in yearlings and 2YO's

2. In the spring recently weaned pups and yearlings occasionally strand on beaches after becoming separated from their group.

3. Herds of Bighorns live with up to 15 ewes, lambs, yearlings and two-year old’s

4. 14 Yearlings spend an average of five months in a feedlot before being shipped to the packing house.

5. Beavers mate for life and live in colonies of one adult pair, their kits, and the yearlings from

6. The damaging effects of Ascarids (Parascaris spp.) hit young horses hardest.Foals, weanlings, and yearlings are much more susceptible to this parasite than mature horses

7. Catches in alternate years for both lake herring and rainbow smelt were inversely correlated, suggesting negative interactions between their young-of-the-year and yearlings.