Use "yawns" in a sentence

1. The hell yawns for that rogue.

2. Dogs yawned more frequently at familiar yawns, such as from their owners, than at unfamiliar yawns from strangers.

3. She giggles, Cries, yawns, whines and babbles

4. She giggles, Cries, yawns, whines and babbles

5. He yawns, not troubling to cover his mouth.

6. His yawns suggested he was either tired or bored.

7. But he still remembered the hidden yawns, the glazed looks and drooping eyelids.

8. Antonyms for Allurers include bores, drag, dullards, yawns, snoozes, snoozefests, snores, snorefests, yawnfests and bother

9. In the end, though, this bit of cinematography is barely enough to fend off yawns.

10. She stands upright in her long white cotton nightgown from Laura Ashley, scratches her bottom through the cambric, and yawns.

11. Repeating the video test multiple times revealed that whether or not a given person yawns Contagiously is a stable trait

12. 10 She stands upright in her long white cotton nightgown from Laura Ashley, scratches her bottom through the cambric, and yawns.

13. Let’s learn about Axolotls! Did you know that they have the cutest yawns ever? Special thanks to Usao: and Rowan:

14. Chop chop is the worst type of mindless horror movie, because instead of viewers reacting with screams or chills, viewers are more likely to react with yawns and snores There isn't one single