Use "yahoos" in a sentence

1. Valley residents will simply love the characterization of the area as a haven for working-class yahoos.

2. But to my horror they looked and smelt like Yahoos too, and I told them to keep away from me.

3. In the first the judiciary was divided into A grand Council of Yahoos, to try officers of the Klan, and A grand Council of Centaurs to try regular Ghouls

4. By what I could discover, the Yahoos appear to be the most unteachable of all animals, their capacity never reaching higher than to draw or carry Burthens

5. Smith is respectful of Biblicists throughout, but many readers, I suspect, will read the list, smirk, and move on, eyes rolling at the barefoot yahoos who still stalk the land

6. But typically, being the Cretinous yahoos that they are, they don’t say, oh, good I managed to get away with all that I did, they are determined to go after and finish off their political opponents.