Use "xvii" in a sentence

1. Front Matter (“Title page”, “PER I COLLABORATORI”, “Archeion XVII (1935) N

2. XVII.—Description of a Lacustrine Bryozoon allied to Flustra


4. Aquí pueden Admirar una magnífica arquitectura del siglo XVII

5. The modern chokefull dates from XVII, Chockfull from XVIII, with a var

6. Chapters XVI and Chapter XVII describe arrangements for integrating the UN with established international law.

7. Legal Provisions of Order XVII of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (C.P.C.), India – Adjournments

8. The Bedouins and Religion The Bedouin's Profession of Islam Sacrifices among the Rwala The Markab, or Sacred Litter XVII

9. The Federals fled the town in a stampede, but managed to save the ordnance and supply trains of the XV, XVI, XVII, and XX corps.

10. The Act which got assent of the Governor of Bihar on June 19, 1949 came to be known as Bodhgaya Temple Act (Bihar XVII of 1949)

11. It is not surprising thou, that during the XVI and early XVII century Burgonets were among the most popular helmets among military professionals of all European nations.

12. Above, haye plain but sharper Architraval mouldings, and this trim appears to date ‘from ‘the latter part of the XVII I century rather than the first

13. XVII/6 (Andante con Variazioni – Variationenen über die Hymne 'Gott erhalte' Nächtliche Stimmen (Voci Notturne), Melodramen e Lieder- con Claudia Marie-Thérèse Hasslinger (mezzo-soprano e voce recitante).

14. The European Commission, DG XVII, has launched a call for proposals for a demonstration project on advanced pulverized fuel fired power plants using an ultra-supercritical steam cycle.

15. Like the original agrarian movement, New Agrarianism remains rooted in “the land, natural fertility, healthy families, and the maintenance of durable links between people and place (Freyfogle, xvii).

16. La Camorra è un'organizzazione criminale italiana di connotazione mafiosa originaria della Campania e una delle più antiche e potenti organizzazioni criminali in Italia, risalente al XVII secolo

17. mentioned geographic name Hoang Sa, known as Cat Vang or Con Vang in the Nom (demotic script), again very consistent from the beginning of the century XVII, from the Nguyen Lords 'period to the century XX.

18. In the spring of 1936, the heavy cruiser participated in Fleet Problem XVII, taking place off the west coast of the United States, Central America, and the Panama Canal Zone.

19. The directors of the company, the "Heeren XVII", were given the legal authority to establish "fortresses and strongholds", to sign treaties, to enlist both an army and a navy, and to wage defensive war.

20. 1843, Carlyle, Thomas, “XVII: The Beginnings”, in Past and Present, book 2: When the poor man’s integuments, no longer nourished from within, become dead skin, mere Adscititious leather and callosity, wearing thicker and thicker, uglier

21. After describing the depraved sex worship and corruption of that city, the “Cyclopædia” concludes: “Babylon even stands, therefore in the New Test[ament] (Rev. xvii, 5) as the type of the most shameless profligacy and idolatry.”

22. Vietnam's documents mentioned geographic name Hoang Sa, known as Cat Vang or Con Vang in the Nom (demotic script), again very consistent from the beginning of the century XVII, from the Nguyen Lords' period to the century XX.

23. Charismata given for the outer development of the Church (1) Faith, as a charisma, is that strong faith which removes mountains, casts out devils (Matt., xvii, 19, 20), and faces the most cruel martyrdom without flinching

24. Now with up to twenty-one killers available in Dead by Daylight, The Blight is the newest ugly head added to the list.He will be officially released with the Chapter XVII: Descent Beyond DLC on September 2020.

25. 1989, Keith Bosley, translating Elias Lönnrot, The Kalevala, XVII: The mother sought the one gone / astray, for the lost she longs: / she ran great swamps as a wolf / trod the wilds as a Bruin / waters as an otter roamed […].

26. The acculturation process that took place after the conquest (XV century), completely eradicated this language in the archipelago between the XVII and XVIII century, only some words remaining, especially those related to livestock raising activities, flora, and numerous toponymes.

27. Cossack battle ax XII-XVII centuries, Kievan Rus, artifact, Reconstruction of an Auantic ax, antiques, original Vintageashley1 5 out of 5 stars (225) $ 198.00 FREE shipping Add to Favorites Good Medieval Axe Head Iron 11-13 Kievan Rus FineAntiqueGoods 5 out of 5 stars (11

28. Siri received the requisite number of votes on the third ballot, and was elected as Gregory XVII, but "the French cardinals annulled the results, claiming that the election would cause widespread riots and the assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron Curtain."

29. As basílicas maiores (em latim: Basilica major), antigamente conhecidas como basílicas patriarcais e hoje chamadas de basílicas papais, estão, desde o século XVII, diretamente sob autoridade do Papa.Têm privilégios especiais e abrigam um altar e um trono papal

30. “That the Scriptures neither know nor will know of pre-Adamites . . . nor of various primitive aboriginal races, appears not only from Genesis i. and ii., but also from the consistent presumption and assertion of the entire Holy Writ; for example, Matt. xix.4; Acts xvii.26; 1 Cor. xv.47. . . .

31. Edouard was in despair, and Lampin was Cudgeling his brains, swearing that they should not take him alive. BROTHER JACQUES (NOVELS OF PAUL DE KOCK, VOLUME XVII) CHARLES PAUL DE KOCK He was surprised to find that by Cudgeling his memory he had no need to call upon imagination to furnish interesting details.

32. Burke's Armorial General page xv: Burke's General Armory Page xvi: Burke's Armorial General page xvii: Burk's General Armory page xviii: Burke's General Armory page xix: Burke's General Armory "A - ADAMS" Burke's General Armory "Adams- Alcock" Family Coats of Arms - A - Family Coats of Arms - B - Family Coats of Arms - C - Family Coats of Arms

33. Un Alcali, écrit alkali à la fin du XVIII e siècle pour marquer l'origine arabe via le latin médiéval, est un terme de l'alchimie puis de la chimie décrivant différents composés chimiques, parfois en mélange, à propriétés dites Alcalines ou basiques [1].Depuis le XVII e siècle, le terme est employé de manière générique pour désigner des bases, des sels ou des solutions