Use "xiphoid process" in a sentence

1. It attaches distally at the costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 and the xiphoid process of the sternum.

2. All children were measured for their sternum 's length from the jugular notch until the top of xiphoid process.

3. Random information on the term “Breastbones”: The xiphoid process /ˈzaɪfɔɪd/, or xiphisternum or metasternum, is a small cartilaginous process (extension) of the lower (inferior) part of the sternum, which is usually ossified in the adult human.

4. Sternum definition is - a compound ventral bone or cartilage of most vertebrates other than fishes that connects the ribs or the shoulder girdle or both and in humans consists of the manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process —called also Breastbone.