Use "wreckers" in a sentence

1. We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of Bukharinite wreckers.

2. This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.

3. THE WRECKERS FRANCIS LYNDE Down the road from the corral, Kurt Chugged homeward in his crude little car.

4. The suggestions in the box shown above can help to prevent such arguments from escalating into marriage wreckers.

5. THE WRECKERS FRANCIS LYNDE At midnight the wearied pursuers dropped down from a high plateau to a narrow Arroyo. …

6. THE WRECKERS FRANCIS LYNDE I say, Michael, you're in a fair way towards looking like a thorough young Bounder. SINISTER STREET, VOL

7. Rumours that some of these vessels had fallen victim to wreckers appear baseless, the main cause probably being bad weather and poor charts.

8. 1980: The Fog, an American horror film depicting the murdered crew of a ship lured onto rocks in the 19th century returning to take their revenge on the descendants of the wreckers.