Use "wraiths" in a sentence

1. A world of swirling smoke and smiling wraiths.

2. He watched the misty wraiths of moisture making patterns on the window pane.

3. Synonyms for Bogymen include bogeys, ghosts, phantoms, spirits, apparitions, spooks, spectres, wraiths, shade and phantasms

4. Far up on the mountains the drifts piled deep, and winter mists blew in Clammy wraiths across the shoulders of the hills

5. Behest is an Arcanos of the Bush of Ghosts that allows the Moriman to pull on strands of the "Web of the Dead" and affect wraiths and the living

6. A sortie of ghouls Aloose from the tomb, Or a rabble of wraiths begot of the gloom? No—goblins and ghouls such task would shirk It is only the children going to work! MORE SOCIALISM (?) The Senate has adopted an amend ment to the army appropriations bill after a big scrap (in which it was op posed because of its "Socialistic" na