Use "worming" in a sentence

1. Don't you have a goat that needs worming?

2. Clive felt delicate feelers worming through his mind, draining his pain, his fear.

3. To reduce the transmission of intestinal parasites, mass de-worming has been carried out in selected islands.

4. Amatol is a worming medication a broad spectrum of action, it is most effective when enterobioze

5. Carelessness in worming was an unpardonable offence in the days of slavery, and was frequently punished with great severity. TOBACCO; ITS HISTORY, VARIETIES, CULTURE, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCE E

6. Synonyms for Cozying up include curry favouring with, curry favoring with, ingratiating yourself, insinuating, making overtures, pandering, worming your way in, getting in with, curry favoring and currying favour

7. Falling for a dangle is a bit like falling for a scheming lothario more interested in worming his way into your well-heeled family than he is in you

8. Bucoliast Will curse the existence and too dark for that again? Washington clearly does do while worming its way round to eating more poultry and egg casserole without the symbiote is still widely available too

9. View in context Besides, he had Absconded with his mother's guineas: who knew what else he had done, in Jamaica or elsewhere, before he came to Grimworth, worming himself into families under false pretences?