Use "world view" in a sentence

1. I thought your life experience would've sharpened your world view.

2. 19 Many artists express their world view in their work.

3. In his world-view, art and religions were inextricably mixed.

4. The ground reality is based on a cyclical world view.

5. 15. (a) How do many in the Western world view spiritism?

6. According to the conflictual, realist world-view, national security is unattainable.

7. The ultimate goal is to question the anthropocentric, human-centered world view.

8. Argent World View is a Web 2.0 interface for Argent Job Scheduler

9. In the Afrikaner’s world view, apartheid and the church went hand in hand.”

10. The world view regains its intrinsic logic and ceases resembling a Kafkaesque nightmare.

11. 6 A metaphysical world view raises the question of why you attracted that event.

12. Our cooperative world view is in itself a rejection of the notion of a "clash of civilizations”.

13. It is the irreconcilable contradiction inevitable in humanism because of its false assumptions in constructing a world-view.

14. Anthropocentrism is a world view that considers humans to be the most important factor and value in the Universe

15. It is important to remember that Point of View also includes Assumptions, but those Assumptions are about world view

16. Argent World View integrates Argent Job Scheduler GUI and the Queue Engine functionalities into a single pane of glass

17. But the revisions should be treated with circumspection and not immediately result in a massive shift in world-view.

18. Once installed, Argent World View can be browsed from anywhere; as long as sufficient security and access rights are provided.

19. He was the first and only Presidential contender to propose a world-view profoundly alternative to the traditions of imperialist perspective.

20. Pictorial representations of women can carry all kinds of subtle hints and messages, can indeed convey a whole world-view of meaning.

21. It is clear that the number of thoughts implicit in such a world view, such a " Weltanschauung" as they say, is utterly incalculable.

22. Though the Protestant Christianity is lonesome in the Tibetan ethnic group, the course of the propagation reflected the cross swords of two world view.

23. Witchcraft often occupies a religious divinatory or medicinal role, and is often present within societies and groups whose cultural framework includes a magical world view.

24. In My Life and Other Aggravations, Slate mines the exceedingly rich terrain of his life, careers and experiences to share a uniquely eloquent world view

25. Many in search of a new spirituality are discovering Animism to offer a world view that is naturally connected to the earth, nature, and broader ecosphere.

26. This Anglocentric world view means that when I have filmed in Malaysia on garden design, producers have made an enormous effort to find the few remaining outposts of …

27. Many myths, legends and fairy tales make use of this motif as a central element of narratives that are designed to illustrate inexorable fate, fundamental to the Hellenic world-view.

28. So here this is a split screen to represent my split world view, the split personality of every designer and architect operating today between the chisel and the gene, between machine and organism, between assembly and growth, between Henry Ford and Charles Darwin.

29. Trail listed as one of the best in the world View Here AFD: Free smoke alarm program You can apply for a free smoke alarm through the Anniston Fire Dept! Watch Here Anniston City Council Meeting: March 16, 2021 03/16/21 Watch Here City Council

30. "The central idea of the Consilience world view is that all tangible phenomena, from the birth of stars to the workings of social institutions, are based on material processes that are ultimately reducible, however long and tortuous the sequences, to the laws of physics."

31. Not only is there an increase in the volume of news content that is consumed on social media, but the eco-system within which it operates is also increasingly Balkanised, in which networks of users will mostly read or consume information that conforms to their existing world view, and conflicting perspectives, even if they are authoritative, are suppressed.