Use "work of art" in a sentence

1. This tapestry is a work of art.

2. That cake's a real work of art!

3. The bride's dress was a work of art.

4. The Actual nest is a work of art

5. A work of art forming an Architectonic whole.

6. His stomach muscles are a work of art.

7. The soup bowl is a work of art.

8. And to me, ifs a perfect work of art.

9. But not in the so-called work of art.

10. Your Hamptons exposed link is a work of art.

11. The decoration on the cake was a work of art.

12. An Aesthetic object or a work of art is one…

13. 18 The decoration on the cake was a work of art.

14. Coffered ceilings are a work of art in their own right

15. The cross, the Gospels, and the work of art in the Carolingian Age

16. Then to turn the contents of a pocket into a work of art.

17. However, mere financial considerations are far beneath a work of art like this.

18. Her busy hands had transformed the tiny room into a work of art.

19. The building is hated by some and considered a work of art by others.

20. Frasier is a work of art, a beautifully crafted mix of class and farce.

21. The Baldacchino is a work of art made in the Baroque period by Bernini

22. Altarpiece definition: An Altarpiece is a work of art behind the altar in a church

23. On paper, the M16 was a work of art in the most grim of crafts.

24. Barfly by Charles Bukowsky 8 out of 10 Barfly is surely a work of art

25. Blab World defies description: neither book or magazine, it is obviously a work of art

26. Must a work of art express feelings or emotions in order to be considered art?

27. Attribution often involves identifying the author or source of written material or a work of art

28. Lucy was a remarkable creation , as full of loveliness and subtlety as any work of art.

29. Jamie could take a piece of wood and fashion it into a wonderful work of art.

30. With their handwritten text, intricate maps and exquisite drawings, they were hailed as a work of art.

31. Altarpiece, work of art that decorates the space above and behind the altar in a Christian church

32. Altarpiece, work of art that decorates the space above and behind the altar in a Christian church

33. CONTAINERS: A Canna can turn a ho-hum pot or planter into a living work of art

34. In the eighteenth century it seemed impossible to build a barn without creating a work of art.

35. The draft law proposes that such work of art will be considered legally yours after twenty years.

36. For no work of art which is deeply embedded in the imagination can ever be still or dead.

37. "Youth is the gift of nature, but Age is a work of art." - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

38. As some scholars suggest, the description may also fit a work of art, a trophy, taken as spoil.

39. Desire never enough to confer meaning where there was none, to transform simple elements into work of art.

40. Book Altering is simply the process of creating a new work of art out of an old book.

41. Figuratively, something Amorphous lacks focus, be it a work of art, a political movement, or even someone's life plans

42. And each shot he takes is an exciting work of art precisely be-cause of his intense personal involvement.

43. Caesura (plural Caesuras or Caesurae) A pause or interruption in a poem, music, building, or other work of art

44. The absurd idea, he wrote, that a work of art grows from nothing into something, from acorn into oak.

45. However that was, he labored long and devotedly on the statue and produced a most exquisite work of art.

46. Browbeat Studio Dallas Advanced Eyebrow Microblading Experts Creating the eyebrow that's perfect for you, is a work of art

47. We delve deeply into the psyche for memories of past experience and sensation to judge any work of art.

48. The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you. Oscar Wilde 

49. An Altarpiece is a work of art that has been made to go above the altar in a Christian church

50. The literary work of art shown as an absolute image of that way within the tension between science and ideology.

51. Having qualities, such as design and structure, that are characteristic of architecture: a work of art forming an Architectonic whole.

52. Collectors usually regard the icon, not as a sacred religious object, but as a work of art reflecting Byzantine culture.

53. The beautiful thing about the collaborative work of art is that it will not paint or draw or sculpt itself.

54. A work of art, Artwork, art piece, piece of art or art object is an artistic creation of aesthetic value

55. Having qualities, such as design and structure, that are characteristic of architecture: a work of art forming an Architectonic whole.

56. Eagerness to own and collect things: He was known for his Acquisitiveness, buying any work of art that caught his eye.

57. Eagerness to own and collect things: He was known for his Acquisitiveness, buying any work of art that caught his eye.

58. 'Ceasar be aware of the work of art and remember the Aliptes (either translated as carver or translated as annointer i.e

59. This work of art was inspired by a small flock of American Avocets that I photographed at Huntington State Beach Park,

60. The theme of 'An eternity' is 'The Nature of Youth.' Thank you for the opportunity to read this interesting work of art.

61. Just as I may not be able to appreciate a work of art that another sees clearly for its meaning and craft.

62. How do Brushstrokes influence a work of art? What are the different Brushstrokes available to artists and which Masters made them famous? This groundbreaking

63. We have assembled the best team, suppliers and parts manufacturing to provide our clients with HF Antennas that will be considered a work of art

64. Walter Benjamin discusses the theme of Aestheticizing politics and politicizing art in his essay “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproduction”

65. The Acheulian Goddess has been called "the earliest manifestation of a work of art." The Acheulian Goddess: Timeless Imagery of the Mother Goddess

66. The Antiphonary of Saint Peter in Salzburg is a work of art of such high rank that only very few other liturgical books equal it

67. St Peter's Baldachin, or Baldacchino di San Pietro, as called in Italian, is a remarkable work of art inside the St Peter's Basilica in Vatican City

68. Just like an excellent work of art, a good advertisement must be rooted in the soil of the national culture so that it will burgeon forth.

69. Every Friday at 5:00 p.m., join us for happy hour as a Frick Curator (remotely) offers insights on a work of art with a complementary cocktail

70. In the 1991 book entitled The Campus as a Work of Art, author Thomas Gaines named the Bloomington campus one of the five most beautiful in America.

71. For example, a work of art is said to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye if the elements within the work are arranged in a balanced Compositional way.

72. Rebecca West, a great journalist of the last century, remarkedthat "the power to create a work of art, like a good complexion, is frequently bestowed on the undeserving."

73. The meaning or significance of a poem, painting, or other work of art, as distinguished from its style or form Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Explanation of Contentedly

74. Baggage noun [U] (FEELINGS) the beliefs and feelings that you have which influence how you think and behave: Everybody brings their own Baggage to viewing a work of art

75. 23 While conservative groups have sought to categorize the statue’s brazenness with soft pornography the statue is still held as a great work of art, pubic hair and all.

76. James Woodward BEST Sidelock with their classic and wonderful Arcaded fences ~ Oak and Leather Cased! Description: Hammerless Sidelocks - This Woodward is not only a great shooting shotgun but a work of art

77. For those who have an eye for the exquisitely done ultramodern, they will find that every detail in the hotel is a work of art and has reached the apex of design.

78. At its most basic, a Bookplate is a slip of paper bearing the name of the book’s owner; at its most grand, it may be a veritable work of art as well

79. Catkin was founded in 1998, focusing on making high-quality cosmetics products, adding Chinese elements on the outer package, the package is exquisite and unique, both cosmetics and a work of art.

80. The term Chiaroscuro (from the Italian words chiaro, meaning “light,” and scuro, meaning “dark”) refers to the use of light and shade in a work of art to define three-dimensional objects