Use "word deafness" in a sentence

1. Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.

2. 4 Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.

3. Auditory Agnosias include pure word deafness, phonagnosia, and pure sound agnosia.

4. Overcoming the Barrier of Deafness

5. Deafness can be a serious handicap.

6. Some forms of deafness are hereditary.

7. 1 Deafness can be a serious handicap.

8. Simultaneously with their deafness (or their impression of deafness) , victims of acoustic trauma as a rule complain of tinnitus.

9. Librettos nerve-deafness Escudero Bagwigs emollients linoleums

10. 2 His deafness is a great affliction to him.

11. His deafness is a great affliction to him.

12. Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.

13. 12 Some forms of deafness are hereditary.

14. 5 Deafness is a frequent concomitant of old age.

15. Kristi’s deafness is an ongoing challenge for all of us.

16. She overcame her deafness and eventually became a successful percussionist.

17. 11 To remain, Hennepin intimated, was to court deafness.

18. The professor's deafness made conversation a hit-and-miss affair.

19. 13 Deafness or tinnitus may or may not be associated.

20. For information about hearing loss, deafness, and sign language, see

21. 6 Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.

22. 7 His deafness cut him off from his family and friends.

23. 3 The professor's deafness made conversation a hit-and-miss affair.

24. 14 The truth was that deafness ran in the family.

25. 28 Labour's tin ear for liberty is matched by its deafness to democracy.

26. The nerve cells of the cochlea then die and permanent deafness results.

27. 24 Prevalence of deafness in the 50-55 age range is given by.

28. 8 His deafness shuts him off from the lives of others.

29. If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.

30. Her pretended deafness was a ruse to enable her to learn their plans.

31. 9 Because of her deafness she was hard to make conversation with.

32. 15 Obvious other exclusions include blindness and deafness as well as rare birth defects.

33. I'd never let my deafness shortchange my dreams. I wasn't about to start now.

34. 25 It is the blue-eyed white cats that are most prone to deafness.

35. As an elevated incidence of deafness has been observed in patients with propionic acidemia, the question arises of whether mutations primarily responsible for this disease could also be the underlying cause for a genetic form of deafness.

36. Anosmia is to smell, as blindness is to sight, or deafness is to hearing

37. Except for the felicitous pretense of deafness I had not tried to pretend anything.

38. 10 If you think deafness is funny,( you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.

39. “Noise is the most widespread industrial hazard in Britain today,” notes The Times, “and deafness its common consequence.”

40. 29 Late lesions of the bones and joints occur, and frequently a progressive deafness develops.

41. The demonstrated benefit of the treatment was independent of age and duration of deafness or CI experience.

42. Still, in administering his discipline, Jehovah did not strike his people with blindness, deafness, lameness, and muteness.

43. 22 Ill health and the onset of deafness did little to diminish Ada Leverson's enjoyment of life.

44. Brain technologies should be presented as one option, but not the only solution, for, say, paralysis or deafness.

45. The Adenoids are removed if they block breathing through the nose and if they cause chronic earaches or deafness

46. In one, his incision caused paralysis of the right limbs; in the other he caused deafness.

47. The audiogram in noise-induced deafness is quite typical, with the V-shaped scotoma centered around 4000 Hz.

48. Methods: The investigation of deafness heredity and the examination of systemic audiology were made in the 2 families.

49. The first case, a 57-year-old man, who suffered from bilateral Abducens nerve palsy, deafness and hypoes …

50. The two sides-press and black nationalism-have racked up the pain in a maelstrom of indignant deafness.

51. 16 In spite of his deafness he was an outstanding pupil, taking the principal prizes in mathematics and science.

52. 26 In one, his incision caused paralysis of the right limbs; in the other he caused deafness.

53. 27 He had no ear for differences, no time for the opposing view, valiant in his deafness to contradiction.

54. He had no ear for differences, no time for the opposing view, valiant in his deafness to contradiction.

55. 17 Suppose we are interested in deafness defined as the inability to hear some standard sound through headphones.

56. 19 In old age she was troubled by deafness and played little active part in her husband's later political career.

57. His deafness was a severe handicap in an assembly where quickness of hearing and readiness of speech were essential.

58. 23 This was the cause of his deafness, which put paid to a planned career in the army and in politics.

59. 20 Beware gift of deafness PERSONAL stereos given as Christmas presents may lead to terrible hearing problems, a charity warned today.

60. Objective To investigate the influence of duration of the use of cochlear implants on speech perception in prelinguistic deafness children.

61. 18 His deafness was a severe handicap in an assembly where quickness of hearing and readiness of speech were essential.

62. 13 This is a type of hereditary nephritis known as Alport's syndrome in which patients may also manifest nerve deafness and eye problems.

63. 21 When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.

64. Turkish Angoras are generally healthy, but solid white cats with one or two blue eyes are prone to deafness in one or both ears

65. 30 That was Jack's introduction to tinnitus, the head noises which are a deeply distressing by-product of some forms of deafness.

66. Some resurrected ones, as well as survivors of this unjust system, have been victims of apparent injustices such as congenital deformities, blindness, deafness, or speech impediments.

67. As an otolaryngologist Dr. Mariano Herrera Rivera performs Audiometries, endoscopies, deafness treatments, and assists with hearing aids, as well as many other aspects

68. Parenthetically, I would like to point out that these comments do not necessarily apply to people whose total deafness was sustained in adulthood.

69. In Malaysia, juice from crushed leaves of T. laurifolia are taken for menorrhagia, placed into the ear for deafness, and applied for poulticing cuts and boils.

70. Development of speech-like vocalizations in a child with congenital absence of Cochleas: The case of total deafness - Volume 10 Issue 3 - Michael P

71. The award provided funding to create the National Research and Development Center on Literacy and Deafness (Clad), the first of its kind to focus on deaf children

72. Adventitious hearing loss or sudden sensorineural hearing loss which is commonly called as sudden deafness happens as a rapid and unexplained hearing loss generally inside one ear

73. Bouviers are generally healthy dogs, and responsible breeders will screen their stock for health conditions such as Bouvier des Flandres myopathy, cataracts, deafness, ectopic ureters, epilepsy

74. Word for word.

75. Children who are infected with rubella before birth are at risk for growth retardation ; mental retardation ; malformations of the heart and eyes ; deafness ; and liver , spleen , and bone marrow problems .

76. We have used the animal model of inner ear ischemia by temporary clamping of the labyrinthine artery in the study of pathogenesis and treatment of sudden deafness.

77. The tinnitus to be prevented and/or treated may be provoked by acoustic trauma, presbycusis, ischemia, anoxia, treatment with one or more ototoxic medications, sudden deafness, or other cochlear excitotoxic-inducing occurrence.

78. Don't translate word for word.

79. Spanish Word for Assiduousnesses Spanish Word for agriculture Spanish Word for astounds Spanish Word for arrogantly Spanish Word for baptismal

80. If the use of aminoglycosides cannot be avoided (e.g., in treating drug-resistant TB) then serum levels must be closely monitored and the patient warned to report any side-effects (deafness in particular).