Use "woolly mammoth" in a sentence

1. It's a woolly mammoth, Dad.

2. Or maybe you're even the woolly mammoth.

3. 26 Research in the field saw scientists reconstruct the genetic code of the woolly mammoth in 200 and our Neanderthal cousins earlier this year.

4. You can do the same thing, as the costs come down, for the Carolina parakeet, for the great auk, for the heath hen, for the ivory-billed woodpecker, for the Eskimo curlew, for the Caribbean monk seal, for the woolly mammoth.

5. You can do the same thing, as the costs come down, for the Carolina parakeet, for the great auk, for the heath hen, for the ivory- billed woodpecker, for the Eskimo curlew, for the Caribbean monk seal, for the woolly mammoth.

6. Rex and the American mastodon, you can gaze at a woolly mammoth, a giant deer from 15,200-11,100 years ago, a giant sloth and the Brontothere mammal, a fossil from Nebraska over 30 million years old and the oldest unchanged skeletal mount in the exhibit.