Use "wolfed" in a sentence

1. He wolfed it down!

2. He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.

3. He wolfed down his breakfast and went to school.

4. She and Miguel wolfed down three pieces.

5. Synonyms for Chowed include put away, ate, eaten, consumed, ingested, devoured, bolted, gobbled, wolfed and shifted

6. Synonyms for Crammed in include gobbled, bolted, devoured, gulped, wolfed, guzzled, Crammed, scoffed, scarfed and demolished

7. Jim changed quickly, took out some clothes for the next morning, then wolfed down his dinner.

8. Wolfed given much piminodine, Andabatism how to buy flexeril in the usa without a prescription defraud ours unpleaded metapneustic dismast

9. Synonyms for Chowed down include dined, ate, eaten, ate heartily, eaten heartily, gobbled, gulped, noshed, wolfed and dug in

10. Synonyms for Breakfasted include broke one's fast, broken one's fast, noshed, ate, eaten, devoured, gobbled, gulped, wolfed and consumed

11. Liberated, Ethel frisked with a Jack Russell in a red, spotted scarf and wolfed up a half-eaten beefburger bun.