Use "withhold" in a sentence

1. We couldn't withhold our laughter.

2. Therefore, we must withhold further treatments.

3. We won't be able to withhold his name.

4. It is illogical to withhold required information.

5. Naturally, you might prefer to withhold embarrassing information.

6. To withhold religious liberty was out of the question.

7. It was unscrupulous of their lawyer to withhold evidence.

8. Why would Rohmer withhold that information from us.

9. The dam can withhold the pressure of the water.

10. Why, do you think, did Lori’s parents withhold their trust? .....

11. Sometimes we give it away, and sometimes we withhold it Callously

12. Sometimes we give it away, and sometimes we withhold it Callously.

13. He seemed to Abrogate his duty to withhold law and order.

14. They can not withhold treatment as punishment for any reason.

15. Food fiber may accelerate increase of good bacteria, and withhold maleficent bacteria.

16. You have the right to withhold your custom if you so wish.

17. Who do I think I am to withhold it so selfishly?

18. If a witness is allowed to withhold evidence, it impairs the legal process.

19. When we harbor anger and resentment —and withhold forgiveness— we hurt ourselves.

20. Activists are appealing the police decision to withhold permission for the pride parade.

21. 23:18 Not to withhold food, clothing, and sexual relations from your wife — Ex.

22. Government agencies at various levels require employers to withhold income taxes from employees' wages.

23. It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.

24. The nationalization of oil occurs as countries begin to deprivatize oil production and withhold exports.

25. The tactics of conflict may be as follows: One manager will withhold information from another.

26. The new law allows you to withhold payment if you think a bill is incorrect.

27. The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students.

28. Antonyms for Acquaint include conceal, deceive, delude, falsify, hide, mislead, misrepresent, secrete, suppress and withhold

29. Also, their power to grant or withhold benefits provides them with considerable leverage over clients.

30. In all, Mr. Dear threatened to withhold the certificate of efficiency if matters did not improve.

31. We thus have a new definition for Aberrative valences, namely the “cannot withhold from” valence

32. Antonyms for Annunciate include conceal, hide, secret, withhold, suppress, keep secret, keep, cover, repress and deny

33. They are stories and figments of somebody's imagination or somebody's absolute desire to withhold the truth from me

34. No units or individuals may withhold or misappropriate the financial credit and funds to be used for agriculture.

35. We do not publish anonymous letters, although we may withhold a writer's identify if it is justified.

36. The employer must withhold payroll taxes from an employee's check and hand them over to several tax agencies by law.

37. People withhold their best efforts if they see little relationship between what they do and how they are rewarded.

38. Given the power of the managerial hierarchy to dispense or withhold rewards, open acts of defiance expose individuals to reprisal.

39. Farmers might withhold some of their current corn harvest from the market, anticipating a higher corn price in the future.

40. The government is planning to withhold benefit payments from single mothers who refuse to name the father of their child.

41. Saccade Countermanding task includes no fixation-target gap, variable target presentation times, and the requirement to withhold saccades on some trials

42. It is not at all unusual during wartime for leaders to withhold military information with the men in the grass.

43. The court will determine whether or not you are adjudicated guilty or if the court will withhold the Adjudication of guilt

44. If a foreign enterprise doesn't have its standing body in China, its agent in China should withhold and remit the tax.

45. One of the major objectives of Brainstorming is to withhold criticism and welcome all sorts of ideas to the table

46. Ashis Nandy provokes self-reflection from the reader, where you realize you, yourself, withhold certain aspects of the enemy whom you abhor

47. Aberrative VALENCE , people from whom one felt that one could not withhold anything were the most Aberrative valences on the case

48. An absolute prohibition against assignment is less popular than a qualified prohibition which requires a landlord not to withhold consent unreasonably.

49. An envious person may secretly withhold good from the one who arouses his jealousy or may wish that harm will befall that one.

50. Our patients were manifesting potentially dangerous hypoxaemia, and we did not consider it ethically appropriate to withhold this form of treatment.

51. Abstain (third-person singular simple present abstains, present participle Abstaining, simple past and past participle abstained) (transitive, reflexive, obsolete) Keep or withhold oneself

52. During a Council on Foreign Relations discussion on January 23, 2018, Joe Biden Bragged about how he threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S

53. 23 True Confessions From Married Women That'll Make You Say, "Just Whoa." To have and to withhold? by Asia McLain

54. Abstain (third-person singular simple present abstains, present participle abstaining, simple past and past participle Abstained) (transitive, reflexive, obsolete) Keep or withhold oneself

55. Abstain (third-person singular simple present Abstains, present participle Abstaining, simple past and past participle Abstained) (transitive, reflexive, obsolete) Keep or withhold oneself

56. Persons paying interest, dividends, royalties, and certain other amounts to foreign persons must also withhold income tax at a flat rate of 30%.

57. The statute provides the court with the ability to withhold Adjudication after the imposition of a probation sentence without imposing upon the defendant a conviction

58. Abstain (third-person singular simple present Abstains, present participle abstaining, simple past and past participle abstained) (transitive, reflexive, obsolete) Keep or withhold oneself

59. If this occurs then we may withhold earnings for a period of 60 days prior to the date that we disable your account.

60. Under the restrictive 2012 Law on Associations, Algerian authorities have broad discretion to withhold legal recognition from nongovernmental associations, keeping them in legal limbo.

61. As for the case of the welfare-tax protesters Dworkin implies that they have no right in the strong sense to withhold their tax.

62. Bickering Over Words, 12 Republicans Vote To Withhold Congressional Honor From Police "I cannot support partisan charged language found in this bill," Rep

63. The Income Tax Withholding Assistant is a spreadsheet that will help small employers calculate the amount of federal income tax to withhold from their employees’ wages

64. A stumbling block appears when we serve God generously with time and checkbooks but still withhold portions of our inner selves, signifying that we are not yet fully His!

65. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told CNN's "New Day" on Monday it is "absolutely the right decision" to withhold intelligence from former President Donald Trump

66. This page shows answers to the clue Abstain, followed by 6 definitions like “To hinder; to withhold”, “To hold one`s self aloof” and “Choose not to consume”.A synonym for Abstain is fast.

67. For the benefit of those of you who haven’t thought about criminal law since law school, Florida judges have a special authority vested upon them to “withhold Adjudication” in a criminal matter pursuant to F.S

68. If you want to withhold a 2% withholding tax on your payment, you're required to send Google an original, physical withholding tax slip ('Bukti Potong') to avoid any outstanding balance in your account.

69. Beachheading is when police withhold the Miranda warning in order to get a suspect to make a statement, then administer the It is an "end run" around Miranda and is not allowed

70. However the pricing for the monthly subscription of Music Unlimited was high at ¥1,480 due to Sony's monopolistic practices and also their decision to withhold their catalogues from iTunes Store until end of 2012.

71. What is a W4 Allowances form and why is it important? The 2020 IRS W4 tax form is used by your employer to determine how much federal income tax they should withhold from your paycheck

72. Roots of the word Abstain are from the 14th-century French, "to withhold oneself," and the word often refers to people who hold themselves back from indulging in habits that are bad for …

73. If open check of a blank option, you can find the shortcut that leads to the webpage that has browsed recently, of IE 8 " private browse " mode won't withhold the surf on any nets to record.

74. The stop-signal or Countermanding task probes the ability to control action by requiring subjects to withhold a planned movement in response to an infrequent stop signal which they do with variable success depending on the delay of the stop signal

75. More specifically, the bill would clarify the law by protecting health care providers when they, first, withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment at the request of the patient; or, second, administer pain-relieving medication to alleviate massive physical pain

76. “The anti-Commandeering doctrine may sound arcane, but it is simply the expression of a fundamental structural decision incorporated into the Constitution, i.e., the decision to withhold from Congress the power to issue orders directly to the States,” Alito wrote

77. Connivance The furtive consent of one person to cooperate with another in the commission of an unlawful act or crime—such as an employer's agreement not to withhold taxes from the salary of an employee who wants to evade federal Income Tax.

78. Beholder is all about making choices - choices that matter! What will you do with the information you collect? Will you report the suspicious activities of a father and orphan his children? Or will you withhold the details about his illegal activities and give him a chance to make things right?

79. Coercion occurs when a motor carrier, shipper, receiver, or transportation intermediary threatens to withhold work from, take employment action against, or punish a driver for refusing to operate in violation of certain provisions of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMRs) and the Federal Motor Carrier Commercial Regulations …

80. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued five Withhold Release Orders (WRO) today on products from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).The products subject to the WROs are produced with state-sponsored forced labor in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, where the Chinese government is engaged in systemic human rights abuses against the Uyghur people and …