Use "with reason" in a sentence

1. 15 Passion must be tempered with reason.

2. Hypernyms ("Cacoethes" is a kind of): irrational motive (a motivation that is inconsistent with reason or logic)

3. If addiction is a disease, as determined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, then the old-school Confrontational interventional model should be tempered with reason

4. Adjective: absurd (absurder,Absurdest) ub'surd or ub'zurd Inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense "the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant " So unreasonable as to invite derision

5. Animism (from the Latin: animus or anima, meaning mind or soul) refers to a belief in numerous personalized, supernatural beings endowed with reason, intelligence and/or volition, that inhabit both objects and living beings and govern their existences.

6. Absurdity: 1 n a ludicrous folly “the crowd laughed at the Absurdity of the clown's behavior” Synonyms: fatuity , fatuousness , silliness Type of: folly , foolishness , unwiseness the trait of acting stupidly or rashly n a message whose content is at variance with reason Synonyms: absurdness , ridiculousness Type of: bunk , hokum ,

7. Definition of Absurd a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless; "The Absurd is the essential concept and the first truth"--Albert Camus inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense; "the Absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant"- …