Use "with great difficulty" in a sentence

1. He still walked with great difficulty, but there was no self-pity.

2. She was towed back to base by the destroyers with great difficulty.

3. Only with great difficulty did the brothers persuade him to keep the money.

4. With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry.

5. It was with great difficulty that the self - important man in the cocked hat restored order.

6. Ms. Pearse adds that she managed to reach the departure gate with great difficulty and was exhausted.

7. It was with great difficulty that they were able to coax him to drink a little milk.

8. The buffalo- skins, doubled in fours, were spread all along one side, and four men, with great difficulty, lifted the heavy form of Tom into it.

9. Asked yesterday how Congress might find the money, Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, laughed. "With great difficulty, " he said.

10. Aphthae in mouth and throat; tongue feels as if too long; sensation of pungent heat in mouth and throat, with great difficulty in swallowing; stinging in throat between the acts of deglutition

11. Making the journey up the flight of stairs with great difficulty due to his Cumbersome weight that made each step seem extremely arduous and time consuming, Feltus sighed, taking several deep breaths to restore his searing lungs, upon reaching his destination on the fourth floor anteroom of the Tower and, though he had not broken a sweat during his exercise, wiped his brow and chin on the