Use "wipe away" in a sentence

1. Wipe away your tears.

2. God shall wipe away all tears.

3. 'Grumpa, please wipe away my tears.'

4. o God Shall Wipe Away All Tears

5. Who can wipe away the dirt in sky for me.

6. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

7. Remember after intercourse use Aftercourse and wipe your fears away.

8. Use Q tips to dust or wipe away excess color.

9. She grabbed a wipe away the tears that daughter's murder.

10. She used a wad of tissues to wipe away the blood.

11. With good adherence, fine handwriting, not easy to wipe away, no pollution.

12. Time cannot wipe away the sadness and heartache, but there was never regret.

13. Wipe away tears, Vowed to look after the only other people cry!

14. Yea , from table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records.

15. You're not alone, for I am here, let me wipe away your every tear.

16. I cannot but wipe away my tears and change the tune of my song.

17. If I have caused just one person wipe away his tear, that's my reward.

18. To wash their hands before meals and after , after squandering water use cloth wipe away.

19. Not many people wipe away tears when reminiscing about BASIC's line numbers and the GOSUB command.

20. He stopped to wipe away the excrement, which blinded his eyes and coated his lips.

21. On the darkened half-landing Frankie rubbed his face to wipe away the last of his tears.

22. How I would love toable to hold my kids, wipe away their tears, share their dreams.

23. A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.

24. In memory’s eye I can see the boys reach for their handkerchiefs to wipe away a tear.

25. Okay, we' re gonna clean it out, and I' il wipe it down, and we walk away

26. He tried to wipe them away on the sleeve of the plaid shirt, but it was no good.

27. Soon after working with such ink, a person could take a wet sponge and wipe the writing away.

28. 30 A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.

29. Losing Team punishment: Do the Boobie Boobie dance, have a 'kiss on the forehead and wipe away tears' scene.

30. Of course, on cold surfaces, steam condenses into water so use a cloth to wipe away dirt and grease.

31. To wipe to wipe saliva to wake up to wake up.

32. Wipe the counter.

33. He raised his hand to wipe away the trickle of sweat that ran over the soft stubble on his cheek.

34. Aluminium foil – 1 wipe

35. You must wipe away the blood with the damp cloth, like this, and help him to drink a little water.

36. Let's hope that the alluvia will do like last time, wipe away the old to make place for the new.

37. Make sure you properly condition and clean our leather Briefcases to wipe away the grit, but keep the rugged exterior

38. Wipe off the drool

39. Matrix wipe Page Effects

40. Please wipe the shelves.

41. To which the “guru” responded: “God will wipe away every tear . . . and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor pain!”

42. Edge Wipe Page Effects

43. Wipe your blood with this.

44. Wipe your arse with it.

45. A debtor swearing an affidavit that he had resigned his all would not wipe away the claim his creditor had on him.

46. Maybe you should wipe it up.

47. These stains won't easily wipe out.

48. Wipe the spit off your chin.

49. Wipe that smirk off your face!

50. And wipe off all that makeup!

51. Wipe that smile off your face.

52. Wipe off excess marinade before cooking.

53. Give me something to wipe my goggles.

54. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

55. Give your nose a good wipe.

56. Be carefull; don't wipe the tape!

57. Give me some tissue to wipe.

58. Let the Savior wipe the slate clean.

59. Wipe that stupid smile off your face.

60. Wipe the surface with a damp sponge.

61. You can never wipe out the past.

62. Wipe off residue with a damp cloth.

63. Clean or wipe ( sth ) with a swab.

64. The baby is dribbling, wipe its mouth.

65. Better get something to wipe it up, son.

66. " Please allow me to wipe the slate clean.

67. Can you wipe the muck off the windows?

68. These resolved to wipe out God’s nation.

69. Wipe my ass and lick my balls!

70. Wipe the table with a damp cloth.

71. Wipe the leather with a damp cloth.

72. Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve!

73. The baby is dribbling. Wipe his mouth.

74. Wipe that smile/grin/expression off your face!

75. You should wipe your nose off with that

76. The plague once could wipe out a village.

77. Said one vile could wipe out an entire city.

78. The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population.

79. Please wipe the bottles out before you return them.

80. The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population.