Use "winglet" in a sentence

1. Cowry is an adventurous female SeaWing dragonet, who is attending the Academy, being part of the Sapphire Winglet

2. Arid is a SandWing dragonet of unknown gender who attends Jade Mountain Academy as a member of the Quartz Winglet.

3. 1 Bogbean (backstory) 2 Bog's Winglet 3 Appearance 4 Relationships 4.1 Raspberry 5 Personality 6 Gallery 6.1 Refs 6.2 Headshots 6.3 Halfbodies 6.4 Fullbodies 6.5 Others He is a Mudwing with issues of being alone

4. The Alula / ˈæljʊlə /, or bastard wing, (plural Alulae) is a small projection on the anterior edge of the wing of modern birds and a few non-avian dinosaurs. The word is Latin and means "winglet"; it is the diminutive of ala, meaning "wing".