Use "winging" in a sentence

1. A few moments later they were airborne and winging their way south.

2. Your picture will be winging its way over the Atlantic.

3. I've been winging it with you for 18 years, pretending I was the one in charge.

4. She sent a silent message winging to the small room at the Admiralty.

5. A cash bonanza will be winging its way to the 600,000 members of the scheme.

6. It was the flayed hide to a bull, winging on the tide out to sea.

7. Ali is dressed in a suit and tie and is playfully winging clownish punches at everybody around him.

8. Small but dangerously exciting trickles of pleasure were still winging their way through her virtually defenceless body.

9. A couple of sets of Scalar strings, courtesy of Selectron, will be winging their way to you soon!

10. He saw the occasional pheasant and partridge winging rapidly away beneath him, or skulking in the brown grass and bracken.

11. For amazon groups belonging to Ticuna, Huitoto and Cocama communities, we described the presence of winging, central and lateral shovel shape incisives, high frequency of groove and fossa forms in the Carabelli cusp, Cuspid pattern Y6 or Y7, deflecting wrinkle, protostylid and sixes Cuspid (Aragon et …

12. Adlibbing life Winging it with substance, style & a little serendipity Lifestyle-ish blog about evolving into a dynamic, self-assured, independent woman and a great mom while killing it at work, looking cute, creating a home haven, traveling near and hopefully far, staying fit, smelling good, having fun, eating those greens, getting enough