Use "wineskins" in a sentence

1. Like new wineskins ready to burst.

2. Old wineskins, therefore, were inappropriate for storing new wine, which continues to ferment.

3. For instance, fermented wine, not grape juice, would burst “old wineskins,” as Jesus said.

4. But new wine must be put into new wineskins.” —Luke 5:37, 38.

5. + 13 And these wineskins were new when we filled them, but now they have burst.

6. (Job 32:19) Generally, however, new wineskins would be able to withstand the internal pressure developed because of active fermentation of the wine.

7. PArables of Jesus in Chronological Order Parable Matthew Mark Luke 1 New cloth on an old coat 9:16 2:21 5:36 2 New wine in old wineskins 9:17 2:22 5:37-38

8. Accordingly, if you know Anglicans in your church who feel a call to frontier missions, encourage and challenge them to do missions Anglicanly! New Wineskins Missionary Network is leading the ACNA’s Global Mission Initiative, one of the six ACNA ministry initiatives, as well as coordinating the Anglican Global Missions Partners.