Use "wind down" in a sentence

1. The wind has sunk down.

2. The wind has blown apples down.

3. 8 They will wind down the pain.

4. At last the wild wind calmed down.

5. A biting wind blew down from the hills.

6. Clew the down, the wind is too strong.

7. I regularly have a drink to wind down.

8. A gust of wind drove down the valley.

9. 4 I regularly have a drink to wind down.

10. Glass motioned to him to wind down the window.

11. The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof.

12. The wind is high enough to blow down tree.

13. 7 Glass motioned to him to wind down the window.

14. The slightest wind could send him hurtling down towards destruction.

15. 12 The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.

16. The rain beat down and the wind was picking up.

17. 3 We should not wind down our business in Shanghai.

18. 2 In 1991 the Ada plant began to wind down.

19. 1 Glass motioned to him to wind down the window.

20. Wind and water slowly wore down the mountain's jagged edges.

21. 15 After a while, the wind began to die down.

22. 5 She ran like the wind down the stairs to escape.

23. The balloons will add wind resistance and actually slow Smitty down.

24. We must hold down the tents because of the strong wind.

25. That wind you can feel is me breathing down your neck.

26. 6 You will be able to wind down after this examination.

27. The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly.

28. To change your screen colour to greyscale, learn about Wind Down.

29. Hanging the gaff down can spill the wind out of the sail.

30. Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime.

31. It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind.

32. The outer walls looked likely to tumble down in a stiff wind.

33. " But ,'shouted the fifth, " a strong wind can blow down the trees. "

34. It’s important to note “down-dispatched” wind electricity -- this new market-based curtailment -- is still significant, and overall wind Curtailments in MISO …

35. 16 Wind down from a hellish workweek with these trendy , totally fun tips!

36. 13 It was always easier to wind down at home, in any case.

37. The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow.

38. 7 I find it difficult to wind down after a day at work.

39. Wind and height forgotten, Pascoe swung down from the tree like a gymnast.

40. 15 Business began to wind down as men tacitly awaited the new regime.

41. Jack tore down the road like the wind, with the ogre after him.

42. 9 I stopped pushing and let the swing wind down to a stop.

43. " But, " pointed out the fifth, " a strong wind can blow down the trees. "

44. A gust of wet wind blew down the alleyway, chilling me to the bone.

45. 18 The day was cold with a nipping wind down the northward running streets.

46. Bullets of water pelt down, gusts of wind whip and tear from all sides.

47. Either way , the pressure to wind down some stimulus packages across Asia is growing .

48. Wind coming over the peaks can stir up rotors that'll drag you right down.

49. To stop using Wind Down before the end time, say or type a phrase like:

50. 11 An icy wind howled and a great wall of snow bore down upon them.

51. The Volvo, whose windows wind down to reveal plush red curtains, is surrounded by stepladders.

52. Solution: Not at all! The balloons will add wind resistance and actually slow Smitty down.

53. I could hear some wind which reached down to the cellars of a sunless earth.

54. So he would patiently wait until a strong gust of wind brought the unripe mangoes down .

55. 24 If necessary, they may create a special fund to manage and wind down troubled assets.

56. This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.

57. If we lay here in camp , there might be archers skulking down to wind of us.

58. A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud.

59. He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphur and a scorching wind . . .

60. God now made a wind blow, and the waters of the flood began to go down.

61. 12 He ran like the wind down the narrow road that went to the Toops' house.

62. So ferocious was the wind that the trees blew down and blocked the roads and railways.

63. A mountaineer is usually equipped with alpine jacket wind - proof garment, down jacket and climbing kit.

64. Synonyms for Anemograph include anemometrograph, wind gauge, anemometer, windsock, wind sleeve, wind cone, windmeter, wind indicator, wind vane …

65. 2 The force of the wind had brought down a great many trees in the area.

66. Do the same things each night to tell your body it 's time to wind down .

67. 10 The Volvo, whose windows wind down to reveal plush red curtains, is surrounded by stepladders.

68. The lane down to the harbour was steep; the oncoming wind would be of positive benefit.

69. Paper tablecloths need to be weighted down or they tend to blow away in the wind.

70. Anabatic wind synonyms, Anabatic wind pronunciation, Anabatic wind translation, English dictionary definition of Anabatic wind

71. Her people moved with the north wind from village to village... dispensing ancient remedies... never settling down.

72. Conventional tillage pulverizes soil, breaking down soil structure and increasing the risk of wind and water erosion.

73. And while Ivan is away the wind comes, and it blows the sandwich down onto the grass.

74. 19 This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down.

75. 4 The dust devil column is clearly defined and is clearly bent in the down wind direction.

76. 17 The Detroit carmaker said it would now wind down production of the heavy sports utility vehicle.

77. 14 Give yourself time to wind down,[] get your mind off the problems of the day.

78. Master Wind wanders like the wind.

79. Master Wind wanders like the wind

80. Frank Baum) It was a bleak and Boisterous night and the wind whistled shrilly down the long street