Use "wiggle room" in a sentence

1. I haven't left myself much wiggle room , either.

2. The request left some wiggle room for future restructuring.

3. I have absolutely no wiggle room on this.

4. Ambiguous wording leaves some wiggle room for further negotiation.

5. Don't clamp down or flip out; leave a little wiggle room.

6. That, I’ve long Contended, is why it created wiggle-room in FISA.

7. That ambiguity leaves them wiggle room to set their own currency policy.

8. Vague goals give the tricksy brain too much wiggle room: "Hey, I lost weight."

9. I always like to have some wiggle room in my budget for extra expenses.

10. Some bidders, however, expect there to be some wiggle room for finalists to amend their offers.

11. In his written response, Mr. Geithner appeared to leave the administration plenty of wiggle room.

12. Just one last time on the marriage thing. There's no wiggle room? None at all?

13. The Ashtray will fit in the cup holder but is not a tight fit leaving a lot of wiggle room

14. With the current spell Batching, there was a lot of wiggle room, allowing Mages to re-position for a Cone of Cold

15. The Chicago Manual of Style, in its 15th edition, left a lot of wiggle room in their rules, basically allowing users to choose between Coworker and co-worker