Use "whorls" in a sentence

1. Five whorls of Bracts subtending sporangia are visible

2. 2 Eyelashes tickling the floor, mouth kissing its varnished whorls.

3. I've circled the whorls in pen in case the transmission's fuzzy.

4. Their perigonium consists of two trimerous whorls of tepals, or Conversely …

5. Eyelashes tickling the floor, mouth kissing its varnished whorls.

6. Bulbil contains concentric whorls of fleshy scales covered by few dried scales

7. 10 The whorls thus formed are smaller than the submerged form.

8. 1 He stared at the whorls and lines of her fingertips.

9. In the whorls of the inflorescence a few juvenile plantlets develop which root readily.

10. 7 The whorls are arranged densely and alternately on the stem to form rosettes.

11. Dark green bristly foliage arranged in dense whorls around slender brittle stems.

12. The Cucuteni graves contained vases, beads, spindle whorls, and three Goddess figurines in each one.

13. 13 No two street cracks, like the whorls of fingerprints, are exactly alike.

14. 5 Dark green bristly foliage arranged in dense whorls around slender brittle stems.

15. The whorls are arranged densely and alternately on the stem to form rosettes.

16. Buttonbush leaves are in opposite pairs or in whorls of three (see next photo)

17. Antirrhinum flowers comprise four concentric whorls, with five sepals, five petals, four stamens, and two carpels

18. 12 A prolific plant with dense bushy stems bearing whorls of dark green foliage.

19. 13 In the whorls of the inflorescence a few juvenile plantlets develop which root readily.

20. Cowlicks, or hair whorls, are hair sections that grow opposite to the direction of other hair strands

21. We traveled in thick fog and through whorls of brown blowing mist, which made the woods ghostly.

22. 24 At high elevations a healthy pine will have up to seven or eight whorls, Proctor said.

23. Whorls, or Cowlicks, form in the fetus at the same time as the nervous system

24. The leaves of Bedstraw are formed in whorls containing 6 - 8 leaves around square stems

25. 11 In the whorls of the inflorescence a few juvenile plantlets develop which root readily.

26. 4 We traveled in thick fog and through whorls of brown blowing mist, which made the woods ghostly.

27. Tube Anemones are distinguished from true Anemones by their two distinct whorls of tentacles on the oral disk

28. At high elevations a healthy pine will have up to seven or eight whorls, Proctor said.

29. 9 The Cucuteni graves contained vases, beads, spindle whorls, and three Goddess figurines in each one.

30. Cowlicks, whorls and hair-flows are all growth patterns that can be problematic when styling the hair.

31. Many plant of this genus which have whorls of small blue flowers are called by the common name Bluecurls.

32. Field madder generally has smaller leaves than the Bedstraws and the leaves occur in whorls of 4 to 6

33. 8 Other species have squat whorls, the whole ammonoid being so tightly rolled up as to be almost spherical.

34. ‘Old Colophons on school books sport two sorts of logo: oblong whorls, rococo scrolls - both in worn morocco.’

35. Other species have squat whorls, the whole ammonoid being so tightly rolled up as to be almost spherical.

36. The staminate flowers are mostly longer and thinner than the pistillate flowers, with 17-32 glabrous stamens in four whorls.

37. 14 If you have many whorls, few loops, patterned palms the chances are you will develop duodenal ulcers.

38. — Turbiniform shell gradational to Holopea, convex whorls with round narrow shoulders, smooth polished surface, ornament of lirae, Anomphalous.; Description

39. 25 He sat and stared at the desk in front of him, the creamy whorls in the wood, the tanned grain.

40. Field madder generally has smaller leaves than the Bedstraws and the leaves occur in whorls of 4 to 6

41. 3 Reaching about a foot in height, whorls of rose-purple flowers the same shape as dead nettles are produced in May.

42. Anomphalous; sutures shallowly impressed; protoconch of two whorls, smooth conispiral; rounded to suboval aperture; apertural mar-gin orthocline; apertural lip flares out slightly

43. Whorls may be decorated or left plain, and they may be affixed permanently to the shaft or they may be removable.

44. 6 She traced with her forefinger the silky whorls of the carved garland of oak leaves that swung across both doors.

45. She traced with her forefinger the silky whorls of the carved garland of oak leaves that swung across both doors.

46. Toward the margin of the disk, individual Bracts are separated and upturned at their tips to overlap the Bracts of several whorls above.

47. The early whorls have one, the later ones two, the last whorl three spiral keels on the anterior one of which the suture is laid.

48. (credit: modification of work by Mariana Ruiz Villareal) If all four whorls (the calyx, corolla, Androecium, and gynoecium) are present, the flower is described as complete.

49. The latter Abstricted masses can differentiate directly into spores or form new tips, giving rise to whorls of irregular or evenly spaced branches

50. Candelabra primulas are majestic perennial plants noted for their eye-catching flowers carried in numerous whorls up their strong stems, like a wedding cake

51. Achimenes Ambroise Verschaffelt: Commonly known as "orchid pansies", these cascading flowers are framed by whorls of three to four fuzzy, toothed leaves that sometimes display a …

52. — Large inflated shell, spire shorter than aperture, sutures incised and shoulders rounded, whorls convex, body whorl large and inflated; nucleus unknown, Anomphalous; aperture ovate and auriform, outer lip

53. Catnip definition is - a strong-scented perennial mint (Nepeta cataria) that has whorls of small pale flowers in terminal spikes and contains a substance attractive to cats.

54. The shell is large, to 28 mm diameter, height to 13 mm, but usually about 22 mm in diameter and 10 mm in height, heliciform with up to 5 to 5 1/2 whorls (new-born young about 3.5 mm in diameter, with 2 to 2 1/2 whorls), strongly depressed with a low spire, acutely Carinate, with an open umbilicus to …

55. Bitumen They were tasked with redesigning a Bitumen tank for road construction. From the Cambridge English Corpus A second stylistic distinction was in the frequency of whorls with Bitumen …

56. Casuarina definition is - any of a genus (Casuarina of the family Casuarinaceae) of dicotyledonous chiefly Australian trees which have whorls of scalelike leaves and jointed stems resembling horsetails and some of which yield a heavy hard wood.

57. Flower: perianth parts 6 in 2 petal-like whorls, free or +- fused below into tube; staminodes 0 or 3; stamens 3 or 6, free or fused to perianth, occasionally Appendaged; ovary superior, chambers 3, ovules 2--several per chamber

58. The Carinate pillsnail (Euchemotrema hubrichti, formerly Stenotrema hubrichti) can be identified by a somewhat flattened, round shell, lens-shaped when viewed from the side, of less than .4 inches in diameter with 4-5 lightly and unevenly striated whorls and a pinched oval aperature

59. Celosia is a heat-tolerant flower known for producing vibrant, velvety blooms with three primary forms: 1) plumosa varieties, which bear whorls of tiny flowers on a feathery spike; 2) cristata, the well-known crested cockscomb and coral-like varieties; and 3) spicata varieties, which bear numerous, narrow flower spikes that resemble heads of wheat.

60. All's mascot is Allroy, a yellow- or green-skinned cartoon character with spiked hair, whorls for eyes, and a large, toothy grin, often depicted engaged in conflict with an anthropomorphic musical note.Allroy was created by bassist Karl Alvarez, based on a caricature he had drawn of guitarist Stephen Egerton for the Descendents' 1987 "FinAll" tour posters

61. Five petals, Apopetalous: C (5) Five petals, gamopetalous: Epiphyllous stamens: Epipetalous stamens: A 3: Three stamens free: A 2+2: Stamens 4, 2 whorls: A 10+1: Stamens 10, diadelphous – 9 stamens unite to form one bundle and 1 other bundle: A 0: Sterile stamen (staminode) G 0: Sterile carpel (pistillode) G-Semi inferior ovary: Inferior

62. Cnidarian definition is - any of a phylum (Cnidaria) of radially symmetrical, aquatic, invertebrate animals that have a hollow digestive cavity opening to the outside by a single opening surrounded by one or more nematocyst-studded whorls of tentacles, that occur as single or colonial sessile, typically columnar polyps or usually free-swimming, bell-shaped medusae, and that include the corals

63. Cnidarian definition is - any of a phylum (Cnidaria) of radially symmetrical, aquatic, invertebrate animals that have a hollow digestive cavity opening to the outside by a single opening surrounded by one or more nematocyst-studded whorls of tentacles, that occur as single or colonial sessile, typically columnar polyps or usually free-swimming, bell-shaped medusae, and that include the corals, sea anemones, …