Use "white heat" in a sentence

1. The campaign was white heat.

2. The campaign was at white heat.

3. There are white lies and white heat.

4. The campaign was at a white heat.

5. Inside was a ball of blue - white heat.

6. Dare you see soul at the White Heat?

7. Dare you See a Soul at the White Heat?

8. Everything he did was at white heat and lightning speed.

9. The sun's rays beamed down on our heads white heat.

10. The battle between the two groups was At a white heat.

11. The fierce flames of his mad desire to destroy suddenly rose to white heat.

12. Even a small amount of magnesium ribbon burns in a flame a white heat.

13. Even a small amount of magnesium ribbon burns in a flame with a satisfying white heat.

14. Again Cagney was at his twisted best in White Heat, playing a psychopath with a mother fixation.

15. The sun coaxed her body to stretch idly as a cat; she tanned easily, adored white heat and turquoise sea.

16. They are simply chunks of stony or metallic matter known as meteoroids that light up in white heat as they enter the earth’s atmosphere.

17. This principle is applied on a large scale, using curved mirrors, to concentrate the sun’s rays to a dazzling white heat on a small area, hot enough to melt the most refractory materials.