Use "whistle blower" in a sentence

1. Sam thinks Zahir is going to meet with the whistle-blower, Dr Hill.

2. " Husband Kills Wife " is a much better headline than " Whistle-blower Uncovers Toxic Dumping, " don't you think?

3. The delay in legislating on whistle-blower protection is detrimental to the accountability and efficiency of public administration.

4. OAKLAND / 'Riders' lied, Brutalized man, ex-rookie testifies / Whistle-blower says he feared losing job by coming forward Henry K

5. In this view the whistle blower is the defender of the organization's true values and the management that punishes the behavior is the deviant.

6. Then there are those who watch this process take place against the likely whistle blower , and decide to keep their mouths shut so it does not happen to them.

7. If an employer has cheated the federal government, a whistle blower may receive between 15 and 30 percent of the money recovered by the government because of the company's wrongful conduct.

8. It begins when Nicky Parsons a former CIA operative who helped Bourne, who went under and now works with a man who's a whistle blower and is out to expose the CIA's black ops.