Use "whirred" in a sentence

1. A limousine whirred him away.

2. The video recorder whirred and rewound.

3. A brace of partridge whirred into the air.

4. The fan whirred in the corner of the room.

5. The hard drive whirred as I copied the files.

6. Synonyms for Bombinated include hummed, buzzed, droned, whirred, murmured, purred, throbbed, vibrated, thrummed and bumbled

7. Synonyms for Burred include hummed, whirred, buzzed, droned, whizzed, bumbled, zipped, zoomed, whished and purred

8. Tuthanach slingshot whizzed and whirred, and two of the horsemen fell back over the mounts' haunches.

9. A bat whirred inside the room, invisible and Apprehensible only from the eerie movement of the air.

10. 27 Birds far from their nests whirred noisily in the sky, a cheerless sound that Jinju found particularly unsettling.

11. Birds far from their nests whirred noisily in the sky, a cheerless sound that Jinju found particularly unsettling.

12. She was just about to rattle the huge gates in fury when there was a clunk and the gates whirred open.

13. Massive and not so massive pieces of machinery whirred and rattled and Clanked, processors blinked and automated video presentations told and retold messages of product design, development and benefits.

14. ‘In the background, cameras whirred like demented Bluebottles, adding their drone to the low buzz of conversation.’ ‘Last year the residents living nearest to the field complained of Bluebottles getting into their homes.’ ‘Smashing their way in, officers were met with a sickening stench and dead Bluebottles covering the stairs.’

15. ‘‘Calm, calm,’ she Chirred softly, a finger touching my jaw and hushing my stumbling chatter.’ ‘Catching a breath she inched forward and Chirred to herself.’ ‘Beside me the Sathe muttered and Chirred in her sleep, in waking.’ ‘They whirred, clicked, Chirred and rattled till she dumped the whole teeming mass of them on the bed.’