Use "whines" in a sentence

1. She giggles, Cries, yawns, whines and babbles

2. She giggles, Cries, yawns, whines and babbles

3. Your adolescent whines, “You’re treating me like a child!”

4. If your child Complains about everything or whines regularly, help them learn to be more positive

5. Basenjis are known for being a very quiet breed; because they have flat larynxes, the dogs cannot bark, but they can be very noisy, making sounds that include yodels, whines, and screams

6. To investigate whether dogs would respond with empathy-like behavior also to Conspecifics, we adopted a playback method using Conspecifics' vocalizations (whines) recorded during a distressful event as well as control sounds

7. ‘The loud Cackle of the roosting birds on the trees disturbed her thought.’ ‘Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the Cackles of mallards.’ ‘The vocalizations of falconids are simple, repeated monosyllabic calls, described variously as Cackles, chatters, squawks, croaks, wails and whines.’

8. If the words "hypocrisy" and "prick" could be physically personified in a human being, it would be "The Archfiend." A YouTube blogger who leeches off of other, far better internet personalities, The Archfiend is a parasitic douche-bag who makes videos where he "exposes" (aka, whines and cries like a toddler) what he feels are the misdeeds of other YouTube bloggers.