Use "whereupon" in a sentence

1. She told a tale,whereupon he laughed heartily.

2. 3 He insulted her, whereupon she slapped him.

3. 1 She told a tale,whereupon he laughed heartily.

4. 2 She laughed at him, whereupon he walked out.

5. 4 He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his seat.

6. 9 The rioters headed downtown, whereupon they attacked city hall.

7. 8 Whereupon Mrs Dole sang the praises of private charity.

8. 10 Security services had begun investigations whereupon the plotters had stopped.

9. 6 He told her she was a liar, whereupon she walked out.

10. Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company, of tyro Marines.

11. Whereupon, lo! the animals began coming over, tumbling and falling to their deaths.

12. 15 She manages to separate the boys forcibly, whereupon Victor kicks her shin.

13. 5 She refused to hand over her money, whereupon there was a fight.

14. 17 Whereupon she came out into the open and said she would choose Arts.

15. 13 Whereupon, lo! the animals began coming over, tumbling and falling to their deaths.

16. 11 Whereupon he would be enrolled forthwith in the Tenth Company, of tyro Marines.

17. Chit-chat makes do until the wheezy chime of five o'clock, whereupon you stand up.

18. Munisai divorced her after Musashi's birth, whereupon she decamped for her father's house, leaving Musashi with Munisai.

19. 29 Chit-chat makes do until the wheezy chime of five o'clock, whereupon you stand up.

20. 28 Then we were orientated towards the front of the room whereupon further orientation took place.

21. 16 Whereupon, and still looking up at Papa, I felt my facial expression beginning to change.

22. During the melée Clovis allegedly killed the Visigothic king Alaric, whereupon the Visigothic army broke and fled.

23. The debtor may be permitted to file for bankruptcy, whereupon his creditors can take some of his assets.

24. 23 Creffield was suspended on full pay until his conviction, whereupon he was dismissed with three months' notice.

25. 20 The owner picked up a metal rolling pin, whereupon the man took off his metal studded belt.

26. 14 The owner picked up a metal rolling pin, whereupon the man took off his metal studded belt.

27. 14 Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.

28. 12 The mayor finally asked the governor for assistance, whereupon eight companies were sent in and the saloons ordered closed.

29. One rubber bullet hit Maguire in the leg, whereupon she was transferred to an Israeli hospital for treatment.

30. 24 It crawls down the vine and enters the soil, whereupon it reaches and punctures the roots for nourishment.

31. • Edward reportedly surrendered and Abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament

32. 19 Whereupon the media, denied the excitements that they had trumpeted, declared the whole event a big, irrelevant bore.

33. He was acquitted and was returned to his hometown, whereupon the agents of the State who beat him apologized.

34. Whereupon my auto-repair man laughed raucously and said, "Why, you dumb jerk, He used his voice and asked for them."

35. Carmine was the boss of the Lupertazzi crime family until his death, whereupon his role was taken by John Sacramoni

36. Shortly thereafter they would abruptly open its doors, whereupon the children bursted in, grabbing the saltless pieces and eating them.

37. Whereupon they stole off unperceived, and it was three weeks before I knew the cause of my awaking so suddenly.

38. Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer, whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp.

39. This folderol completed, he rang a little bell, whereupon the hunchback promptly appeared to escort me to the office of M. l'Econome.

40. 18 Whereupon those High Masters - the self-proclaimed servants of the Emperor - could control the entire human species galaxy-wide, almost instantaneously.

41. Whereupon he loaned the prophet two thousand dollars and took his note on interest, with which amount the farm was redeemed.”

42. Whereupon those High Masters - the self-proclaimed servants of the Emperor - could control the entire human species galaxy-wide, almost instantaneously.

43. 27 Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer, whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp.

44. 21 Mr Muite refused to talk to them except in the company of his legal colleagues, whereupon the police officers departed.

45. 30 Only after Sigibert's murder in 575 did Chilperic gain permanent control of the city, whereupon Leudast regained his old office.

46. 22 In this case the initial suspicion must be reasonable, whereupon the person may be held for up to 7 days.

47. 7 I told her she looked fat, whereupon she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears.

48. 25 Lookouts on outlying islands warned fishing villages of approaching whales,( whereupon great numbers of men in small boats gave chase.

49. 1 This folderol completed, he rang a little bell, whereupon the hunchback promptly appeared to escort me to the office of M. l'Econome.

50. Aegisthus commands Orestes, whom he believes to be a stranger from Phocia, to uncover the corpse, whereupon Orestes tells Aegisthus to uncover it himself

51. On the death of Ptolemy VI in 173, Antiochus laid claim to Coelesyria, Palestine and Phoenicia; whereupon war broke out between Syria and Egypt

52. He challenged the discharge order in the Central Administrative Tribunal, which dismissed his application, whereupon he has filed an appeal in the Hon'ble Delhi High Court.

53. Whereupon in floods of tears, the Misses Redwood made for me, and insisted on being taken up one on each knee and "Cosseted" because of …

54. The inner hanger is disposed to be received into the outer collar such that annular shoulders abut, whereupon the MWD tool is suspended from the inner hanger.

55. In the article, the authors describe how the smell derives from an oil exuded by certain plants during dry periods, whereupon it is absorbed by clay-based soils and rocks.

56. ABC Announceth, “Whereupon we hath interest in this project, we thereupon now hath none,” and refereth all calls to its press agent, another Jew, for Hollywood is full of them

57. In reprisal, the Algonkins killed the slayer; whereupon the Hurons, further insulted by the death of one of their own people, attacked the Algonkins, and Iroquet was wounded by two arrow shots

58. The young man was so taken aback that he could think of no answer, whereupon the policeman then asked to see his identification papers and took him along to the police station.

59. Michael sent messages to his co-conspirators threatening to reveal their identity, whereupon his partisans freed him and murdered Leo V during the Christmas mass in the palace chapel of St. Stephen.

60. A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind. Nelson Mandela 

61. Alternatively, a tubular coating (36) can first be fixed to the deformation element in an adhesion, clip-on, or foaming process, whereupon the sensor is inserted into said coating with the aid of an insertion means.

62. They shewed vnto vs their wounds, and Craued helpe of them at our hands, whereupon he gaue them lotions, plaisters, and oyntments agreeing to the state of their griefes, beseeching God to cure their diseases

63. Bottom line is that it is a false flag operation with the objective of getting citizens scared (about a flu) in order to be vaccinated whereupon you will receive the Bioweapon directly into your bloodstream

64. Aspersed Sentence Examples A prayer was offered that "for us and all who sail thereon the sea may be calm and quiet," whereupon the doge and the others were solemnly Aspersed with holy water, the …

65. 26 A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind. Nelson Mandela 

66. So the King bade them retire a Bowshot from the horse; whereupon quoth its owner, “O King, see thou; I am about to mount my horse and charge upon thy host and scatter them right and left and split their hearts asunder.”

67. The invention relates to a method for producing 4-amino-1-naphthol ethers which is characterized in that naphthol ethers are firstly produced from 1-naphthols, are subsequently transformed into corresponding 4-acetamino-1-naphthol ethers, whereupon the acyl group is then split off.

68. ‘Whereupon President Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the Chancellorship, and the Nazis started taking over.’ ‘One of the greatest steps forward was made the following year, when two female students entered Beijing University under the Chancellorship of Cai Yuanpei, a forceful advocate of equal education.’

69. Calling her over I asked what the problem was and she stated that her feet were killing her, whereupon she broke down in tears with the usual Blubbings of "it's the hardest thing I've ever done" and "I hate the army".

70. ‘Whereupon President Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the Chancellorship, and the Nazis started taking over.’ ‘One of the greatest steps forward was made the following year, when two female students entered Beijing University under the Chancellorship of Cai Yuanpei, a forceful advocate of equal education.’

71. The tradition in Geoffrey's day, at least, distinctly states that Oswald's conqueror was the Aggressor. ON SOME ANCIENT BATTLE-FIELDS IN LANCASHIRE CHARLES HARDWICK Whereupon, naturally, he came weeping to me, and demanded that I should rescue the goat and annihilate the Aggressor. A TREATISE ON PARENTS AND CHILDREN GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

72. Two of the most courageous brothers stood holding thick pieces of board on the opposite side of the hole, and when the skidding log hit those boards, it would come to an abrupt stop, so that the forward momentum propelled the pillar into an upright position, whereupon it dropped into the foundation hole.

73. A thixotropic fluid present in a flexible container reaches the chamber (12) through the through-passages (13), whereupon the fluid performs a directional change from axial to radial and after a second directional change from radial to axial flows out through the spout opening (5), wherein a constriction (21) between the two directional changes accelerates the flow.

74. The invention relates to a method for isolating polyhydroxy alkanoates from production cells, characterized in that i) the production cells are digested, whereupon ii) the cell fragments are separated from the polyhydroxy alkanoate grains by way of a continuous nozzle separator; iii) the concentrated polyhydroxy alkanoate grains are washed with an aqueous alkali solution and then vi) with an aqueous acid.