Use "west wind" in a sentence

1. See how strong this west wind is?

2. Our next phase is named West Wind.

3. Benguela Current, oceanic current that is a branch of the West Wind Drift of the Southern Hemisphere

4. She would sleep beneath the stars and let the wild west wind caress her body and blanket her soul.

5. The discus had been blown off course by the west wind Zephyrus, who was also in love with young Hyacinthos and was jealous of Apollo.

6. West Wind operates world-class Aerocentre (FBO) facilities in both Saskatoon and Regina offering hangar space as well as a variety of ground support services.

7. + 19 Then Jehovah caused the wind to shift, and it became a very stiff west wind, and it carried the locusts away and drove them into the Red Sea.

8. Consequently the pilots, in spite of the fury of the waves, started from Formiae, and while they were struggling to double the promontory of Misenum, they were dashed by a violent south-west wind on the shores of Cumae, and lost, in all directions, a number of their triremes with some smaller vessels.

9. The Revenge Careered along over the water as if mad to get to Lundy, under a strong west wind.: Having Careered, plunging and tugging and side-stepping, until she was astraddle of the outside trace, Jenny stopped.: Amidst a scene of wild enthusiasm we hoisted his big form upon our shoulders, and Careered round the old quadrangle in triumph.: He Careered along, at the head of the party, gay as

10. Lachlan sat alone in his Bothie, busily employed, in twisting his oat straw siaman, humming to himself, and listening to the sound of the torrent as it dashed over the rooks, the pattering of the heavy rain, and the sheughs of the north-west wind, moaning as it passed along, all of which only served to increase his sense of comfort as he drew his three-legged stool nearer to the bright peat