Use "well to do" in a sentence

1. A group of well-to-do Californians

2. John came from a well-to-do family.

3. He was born of fairly well-to-do parents.

4. Only the well-to-do can afford these houses.

5. Fedorov must be at least well-to-do, probably rich.

6. He had two bodyguards, since he was well-to-do.

7. Amulek was a well-to-do, well-known citizen of Ammonihah.

8. He enjoyed well-mannered, good-looking, and well-to-do undergraduates.

9. A lot of our well-to-do customers liked it blue.

10. She could get herself some foolish, well-to-do married man.

11. If you have promised to return, prepare well to do so

12. So Buckra is really, well-to-do, upstanding, well-padded white people

13. Educational facilities are best in the more well-to-do residential areas.

14. Consequently, antebellum Circuses offered special reserved seats for well-to-do white families.

15. 30 Well - to - do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work.

16. " All right,'said the latter, somewhat abashed, " it might be well to do it. "

17. He wants to find a husband from a well-to-do background for his daughter.

18. In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.

19. Almost all whites in South Africa live behind gates, as do well-to-do blacks.

20. 24 Well - to - do canines ['keinain ] can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work.

21. Gradually, County General was shunned by both the middle. class and the well-to-do.

22. Peyton Fahrquhar was a well to do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.

23. Its coffee shop attracted the well-to-do, or those who just wanted to be seen there.

24. Aise translate: comfortably-off, easy, ease, comfortable, badly, well off, well-off, well-off, well-to-do

25. Surprisingly, police statistics show that many of these thefts were carried out by people from well-to-do families.

26. Narendra, once a son of a well-to-do family, became one of the poorest students in his college.

27. Synonyms for Cash rich include affluent, opulent, rich, wealthy, moneyed, loaded, prosperous, well-to-do, flush and silk-stocking

28. It would take several generations' effort to deliver a well-to-do life to the 3 billion Chinese people.

29. The less well-to-do may encourage early marriage and give priority to settling down to stable family life.

30. He would spend all his time with well-to-do society people, though he hadn't got their sort of money.

31. San Giovanni seems to have been the well-to-do area, as one would expect, since it included the cathedral.

32. Sewing, shopping, and beautifying themselves were the only activities that gave well-to-do women any outlet for personal expression.

33. This was especially the case among the well-to-do, who had ample space for guests and the means to travel.

34. The Westons were now well-to-do, and there was no necessity for work, either of a lawful or unlawful kind.

35. We had a well-to-do homestead, a nice piece of land... and a house that one could thank God for.

36. The children of well-to-do parents do much better than the children of poorer parents -- just as they do here.

37. 13 Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation.

38. Contrary to other definitions, Cheshire is in fact a well-heeled and well-to-do county in the North(ish) of England

39. She was, however, also well-to-do, so she compromised by sitting in the open box next to the screened harem ones.

40. To understand and implement such guidelines necessitates aiming at theory-based practice and efforts to achieve the goal of building a well-to-do society.

41. The club is based on Ekkamai, a street in central Bangkok's Thong Lor district, which is popular with foreign revellers and well-to-do Thais.

42. A Cavalcade of English life from New Year's Eve 1899 until 1933 seen through the eyes of well-to-do Londoners Jane and Robert Marryot

43. Directed by Frank Lloyd, Cavalcade portrayed English life in the period of 1900-1933 as seen through the eyes of a well-to-do London couple

44. China has entered a new stage of development in which it is building a well-to-do society across the country and speeding up the socialist modernization drive.

45. Courting Misfortune By Regina Jennings A Christian, historical novel In 1898, the young daughter from a well to do family in Kansas City, embarks on another case for the Pinkertons

46. Arrian, or Lucius Flavius Arrianus, was a Greek born of well-to-do parents at Nicomedia, the capital of the Roman province of Bithynia, probalbly a few years before A.D

47. The Chinese people are winning their way towards the great target of building an overall well-to-do society. And energy sources are an important indemnitor to actualize the target.

48. Arrian, or Lucius Flavius Arrianus, was a Greek born of well-to-do parents at Nicomedia, the capital of the Roman province of Bithynia, probalbly a few years before A.D

49. All That Heaven Allows is a 1955 American drama romance film starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson in a tale about a well-to-do widow and a younger landscape designer falling in love

50. Born in 1872 into a well-to-do ship-owning, seafaring family, he sailed at the age of 25 as second officer on the Belgica, as part of a scientific expedition to the Antarctic.

51. The Beguines were mainly well-to-do women or widows who sought some other role to life than being a wife ( and, thus, under a man's control in the thirteenth century) or joining a religious

52. Caesarea (Hebrew: Qeysarya, קיסריה) is a small, very well-to-do town and extensive archaeological site on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, located some 50 km north of Tel Aviv and several kms north of Hadera.Population 4,200

53. Caesar is alleged to have joined Cleopatra for a cruise of the Nile and sightseeing of Egyptian monuments, although this may be a romantic tale reflecting later well-to-do Roman proclivities and not a real historical event.

54. Moslem law courts attached to the Great Mosque of Tunis and from an extremely respected and well-to-do Tunis Beylical family, and yet the Khaznadar villa always reminded Cynthia Guffin of a small, rather lackadaisically kept English country vicarage.

55. The experiences of aged men and women, white and black, rural and urban, well-to-do and poor, Protestant and Catholic, were by no means similar."(4) Personal documents can show how these experiences of Ageing are related to social categories such …

56. ‘While Affluent regions and social classes struggle with surplus production and surplus consumption, close to one fifth of the global population lives in constant under-nourishment.’ Synonyms wealthy , rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, moneyed, cash rich, with deep pockets, well-to-do, comfortable

57. ‘In real markets - Bazaars - customers have choices.’ ‘The citizens of this coastal paradise carried on with their daily activities, bringing life to the busy streets and a charming sense of chaos to the local markets and Bazaars.’ ‘Many well-to-do households have VCRs, and rented videos are available in the Bazaars …

58. Very impersonal, the first smart city in South Korea is not a great success; it has mainly attracted well-to-do families who appreciate the high quality of the services Middle French affluent, from Latin Affluentem, accusative singular of affluēns, present active participle of affluō (flow to or towards; overflow with), from ad (to, towards