Use "weak inversion" in a sentence

1. Looking for Advectional inversion? Find out information about Advectional inversion


3. Microwave radiometer using fanbeam inversion

4. S3210 Subsidence temperature inversion Inversion caused by the adiabatic warming of a layer of subsiding air.

5. 1 synonym for Anastrophe: inversion

6. " The temperature inversion reflects American sonar, "

7. This inversion of power is indefensible.

8. Blotting Buffer, and mix by inversion

9. Advectional Inversion: Advectional inversion of temperature is also called as dynamic inversion because it is always caused due to either horizontal or vertical movements of air. Strong wind movement and unstable conditions of the atmosphere are prerequisite conditions for Advectional inversion of temperature.

10. An appropriate inversion becomes a deconstructive displacement.

11. To turn on Dark theme or Colour inversion:

12. The temperature inversion frequency gets highest in winter.

13. But three properties do remain unaltered by inversion.

14. 2 An appropriate inversion becomes a deconstructive displacement.

15. What is the difference between a radiational inversion and an Advectional inversion? - Radiation is cooling, advection is cold air being added

16. In rare instances, " inversion " cannibalism has also occurred.

17. Nipple inversion is quite common in normal breasts.

18. Inversion results show that quick calculation, steady convergence, little request for inversion starter and veracious results are the characteristics of this method.

19. Chiasmus essentially involves two key elements: inversion and balance

20. Approximately 70-85% of ankle sprains are inversion injuries.

21. The ridge regression method is applied to impedance inversion.

22. You're weak.

23. Anastrophe definition, inversion of the usual order of words

24. This operation is called inversion and is symbolized i.

25. I mean, it really is a strange inversion of reasoning.

26. • Odour emissions are affected by wind direction, temperature inversion, Ambient

27. When Salmonella H phase Antisera are used for phase inversion, approx

28. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Explanation of Advectional inversion

29. The mirage requires rays of sunlight to have an inversion layer for hundreds of kilometres (at least 400 km), and depends on the inversion layer's temperature gradient.

30. Atropous definition: growing straight , without inversion Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

31. But sometimes there is an unusual weather condition called a temperature inversion.

32. The weak get taken.

33. The humans are weak.

34. Don't victimise the weak.

35. 'Weak' and 'tea' collocate.

36. Dual gland air inversion and steam cure of cured in place liners

37. The weak gain strength through effrontery and the strong grow weak because of inhibitions.

38. By using weak noncompact types conditions, we obtain an existence theorem of generalized weak solutions to (cp), improving the results of weak solutions in , .

39. Initially I thought colored inversion and Blueing are one and the same

40. Its other formal features are alliteration and parallelism and inversion into chiasmus .

41. My bones grow weak.

42. Makes us appear weak.

43. Don't victimize the weak.

44. Your brother is weak.

45. A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where air temperature increases with height.

46. "Weak to very weak sandstone and siltstone" was found, just metres below the surface.

47. A Cutback is an inversion similar to a corkscrew, except the second half is mirrored, so that the train exits the inversion in the opposite direction from which it entered.

48. So I could rewrite the same weak acid equilibrium as a weak base equilibrium.

49. His pulse is very weak.

50. It will be weak, deformed.

51. Our country has grown weak.

52. That'll astonish Timothy's weak nerves.

53. He has a weak liver.

54. Aggregation is a weak association

55. I got weak after typhus.

56. Its skull was relatively weak.

57. He looked weak and sickly.

58. Not to be weak and pathetic, and leaning on a man as weak as him.

59. The placenta can either be adherent or already have been delivered before inversion.

60. The occurrence of temperature inversion leads to the departure of normal temperature gradient.

61. Odour emissions are affected by wind direction, temperature inversion, ambient temperatures and humidity.

62. Anastrophe refers to the inversion of the typical word order in a sentence.

63. Alternative terms proposed for this notion include automonosexuality, eonism, and sexo-aesthetic inversion.

64. Air inversion and steam cure of cured in place liners apparatus and method

65. This has a weak flavor.

66. We are weak, vain creatures.

67. It's a little bit weak.

68. They were weak and weary.

69. That's where he went weak.

70. Weak and Beggarly Things Today

71. They look thin and weak.

72. The fund supports weak currencies.

73. He had a weak bladder.

74. Gene order is colinear with that of Pseudotsuga with the exception of one inversion.

75. They're so weak and pathetic.

76. 3 Strengthen the weak hands,

77. The mare looks quite weak.

78. Alabastrine gypsum is a weak rock and coarse-sized porphyritic gypsum is classified as very weak

79. Or do we need to speak of Absurdisms? I like movements that have unsteady, or weak, borders – “weak” is very much a buzzword in critical theory at the moment, there’s the idea of “weak theory” and weak affects

80. Fully weak and Contemptibly vulner able