Use "wave motion" in a sentence

1. The undulated member (40) creates the effect of wave motion and acceleration of the speed of injection.

2. Absorption, in wave motion, the transfer of the energy of a wave to matter as the wave passes through it.

3. Reziprocity principles are presented which hold for the general problem of small amplitude wave motion on the surface of an incompressible liquid.

4. In one form, aerofoil sectioned wings may be fitted to the hull of a ship to project laterally therefrom and be subject to wave motion.

5. The Boardless Skateboard is a radical new concept in self-propelled transportation! Simply place your feet inside the two rolling units and skate away with a natural “wave” motion

6. The Boardless Skateboard is a radical new concept in self-propelled transportation! Simply place your feet inside the two rolling units and skate away with a natural “wave” motion

7. The Boardless Skateboard is a radical new concept in self-propelled transportation! Simply place your feet inside the two rolling units and skate away with a natural “wave” motion

8. For me it made the pavement below my feet feel as though it were rippling in a wave motion sometimes as much as a foot [a third of a meter] high.

9. It is pointed out that in the consideration of single secondary source, the reverse wave motion Huygens' principle can be thought right, while taking it as sole migrating principle is wrong.

10. 1 $\begingroup$ I was just doing some problems on wave motion from a book and there was this question asking the potential energy at Antinode of a standing wave , So according to me the answer shouldn’t be zero , however the answer is