Use "watergate" in a sentence

1. 1 Headlines blared the Watergate.

2. Nixon resigned because of Watergate.

3. His sole reference to Watergate was wistful.

4. The Watergate scandal was released by journalists.

5. US President Richard M. Nixon resins after Watergate scandal.

6. 3 President Nixon punctuated his Watergate tapes with obscenities.

7. The clever journalists blew the lid off the Watergate scandal.

8. 4 The Watergate cover-up eventually led to Nixon's resignation.

9. 15 These young people were already in thrall with the Watergate legacy.

10. The 18 and a half missing minutes of the Watergate tapes.

11. 5 The 1970s: Time of bell-bottoms,( disco and Watergate.

12. At No. 11 Watergate Street is a two-naved undercroft with four bays.

13. The war in Vietnam and the Watergate crisis shattered confidence in the presidency.

14. 28 The whole world was waiting for the outcome of the Watergate affair.

15. 21 It was the reporters' first encounter with Bradlee on a Watergate story.

16. 10 The younger ones remember Watergate, the oil embargo and a contracting economy.

17. 6 To them, the Watergate scandal that forced his resignation is distant history.

18. In the 1970s, he recorded topical songs about Watergate and the Vietnam War.

19. To them, the Watergate scandal that forced his resignation is distant history.

20. 23 Deep Throat had been explicit in saying the withdrawals financed the Watergate bugging.

21. 9 In the 1970s, he recorded topical songs about Watergate and the Vietnam War.

22. As of 2010, Booth Mansion, also in Watergate Street, contains a solicitors' office.

23. Nixon became the first American President to resign because of the Watergate scandal.

24. 15 His involvement in the Watergate evaporated any hope Nixon had for a political career.

25. 2 His involvement in the Watergate evaporated any hope Nixon had for a political career.

26. Unbeknownst to his foreign policy advisers, Nixon was already preoccupied with the unraveling of Watergate.

27. The Watergate scandal was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post.

28. 20 But on the morning after the birth of his daughter, even mentioning Watergate seemed wrong.

29. 18 Today, contributions of the size that shocked the nation in Watergate can legally be made.

30. 17 But unbeknown to the public, he already was involved in covering up the Watergate scandal.

31. I blamed him and his generation for everything from McCarthyism to the Vietnam War to Watergate.

32. Nixon resigned because of Watergate Scandal, the first president to do so in American history.

33. 24 Woodward and Bernstein had already given journalism glamour and status with the Watergate story.

34. There is no excuse for the extralegal methods that went under the name of Watergate.

35. 14 He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.

36. On March he told the president that the seven Watergate defendants were demanding hush money.

37. 22 President Nixon's staff were instructed to close ranks in response to the Watergate arrests.

38. There is no excuse for the extralegal Methods : That went under the name of Watergate.

39. 12 Watergate, the political scandal that so motivated these young people, is 25 years old this year.

40. On August 9, 1974, Republican President Richard Nixon was forced to resign following the Watergate Scandal.

41. Former President Nixon's behavior in the face of the Watergate disclosures is a case in point.

42. What Watergate did do, though, was to popularize investigative reporting and bring it into the mainstream.

43. 26 Congress has not passed comprehensive campaign finance legislation since 19 in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

44. Nixon lived long enough after his Watergate humiliation to put his own revisionist spin on his history.

45. Congress has not passed comprehensive campaign finance legislation since 19 in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

46. 13 What Watergate did do, though, was to popularize investigative reporting and bring it into the mainstream.

47. Richard Nixon feared the moral consequences even as he ordered the snooping campaign that led to Watergate.

48. Newsday, for example, had already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its investigative reports years before Watergate happened.

49. The Watergate scandal, involving Nixon's cover-up of his operatives' break-in into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex destroyed his political base, sent many aides to prison, and forced Nixon's resignation on August 9, 1974.

50. 30 Richard Nixon feared the moral consequences even as he ordered the snooping campaign that led to Watergate.

51. 16 Newsday, for example, had already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its investigative reports years before Watergate happened.

52. 7 Thus, these Watergate reforms failed to make government and the electoral process more accountable, democratic or honest.

53. From Berghain to Watergate, from AfterWork to AfterHour, here you will find the clubs which you have to see!

54. 19 He first came to national prominence as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.

55. Most observers believed that he caved in only because of his weakened political position due to the Watergate scandal.

56. 25 First located downtown, the shop now has a location in tony Chevy Chase and another at the Watergate.

57. The realignment was delayed by Watergate, but it was really Nixon who figured out how to win, Stone said.

58. 30 He first came to national prominence as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.

59. 11 One of the negative reminders of Watergate is that the highest officials of government often are above the law.

60. Memos revealed during Watergate indicated that Nixon had ordered MIT's federal subsidy cut "in view of Wiesner's anti-defense bias."

61. Felt's entanglement with history occurred in 1972 after the bungled break-in at the Democratic National Party offices in the Watergate building.

62. The term Watergate has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration.

63. The information was uncovered by Post reporter Robert Woodward, who partnered with the paper's Carl Bernstein in breaking the Watergate scandal.

64. 29 High-powered investigations of intelligence agencies in the wake of Watergate had revealed much evidence of illicit and unconstitutional behaviour.

65. The illegal break-in at the Watergate Building was in retrospect quite unnecessary in terms of Nixon's electoral changes in 19

66. If the information they're giving is valuable and truthful like with "Watergate" or "the Pentagram Papers", and their motive don't matter.

67. 27 It attacks the fundamental flaws and loopholes in the campaign finance regulatory system adopted in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

68. 8 The illegal break-in at the Watergate Building was in retrospect quite unnecessary in terms of Nixon's electoral changes in 19

69. Carl Bernstein is an investigative reporter who, along with Bob Woodward, is known for breaking the 1970s Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of …

70. Carl Bernstein is an investigative reporter who, along with Bob Woodward, is known for breaking the 1970s Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of …

71. Woodward, who reported with Carl Bernstein on the Watergate scandal when he was with the Washington Post, noted President Richard Nixon was caught on Audiotapes …

72. As a result of the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigned the presidency in the face of likely impeachment by the United States House of representatives and conviction by the senate.

73. As a new Christian, Chuck Colson voluntarily pled guilty to obstruction of justice in 1974 and served seven months in Alabama’s Maxwell Prison for his part in the Watergate scandal.

74. Synonyms of Burglarizes 1 to enter a house or building by force usually with illegal intent the Watergate scandal began when Republican operatives burglarized the Democratic Party's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

75. Synonyms of Burglarizing 1 to enter a house or building by force usually with illegal intent the Watergate scandal began when Republican operatives burglarized the Democratic Party's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

76. Synonyms of Burglarize 1 to enter a house or building by force usually with illegal intent the Watergate scandal began when Republican operatives Burglarized the Democratic Party's headquarters in Washington, D.C.

77. Located just 200 yards from the golden sands of Watergate Bay, Beachcombers is a complex of one, two and three bedroom apartments, many with sea views and all with either a patio or balcony.

78. By Mohamed Sankoh (One Drop) Ever since “Watergate”, “WikiLeaks”, and the “Panama Papers”; there has never been a classic example of Investigative Journalism in recent times than the reports and analyses by the Africanist Press about the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)’s lack of accountability and transparency in managing

79. Carp paints the story of the transmutation from confidentiality to secrecy onto a complex background: the changing role of social workers and the changing intellectual context of social work; the political and social upheavals of the 1960s--including civil rights movements and (because of the secrecy/disclosure issue) Watergate; the role of the media and other forms of publicity in the