Use "water-can" in a sentence

1. Water can now seep in.

2. Water can be dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.

3. Several animals in sea water can infest wood.

4. Acidic gas or water can also ruin the monolith.

5. Playing with water can keep children amused for hours.

6. Water can be purified by boiling for five minutes.

7. The water can be drawn off with a catheter.

8. When the gate is raised, the water can flow freely.

9. Water can be softened by adding washing soda to it.

10. Connate water can be dense and saline compared with seawater.

11. Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.

12. 3 Water can be purified by boiling for five minutes.

13. The Coldness of the Arctic water can kill you in minutes

14. Eliminate any places where water can collect and mosquitoes can breed.

15. Drinking more water can Compensate for you let me shed tears

16. Optionally, dispersants, thickeners and water can be included in the composition.

17. Drinking more water can compensate for you let me shed tears.

18. Sea - water can be made drinkable by distilling out the salt.

19. By observing variations in absorption, the presence of water can be identified.

20. Cold water can absorb DO to a greater extent than warm water.

21. Water can carry away the soil only if it is flowing fast.

22. The word "water" can be used as a noun or a verb.

23. At natural hot springs or geysers, water can be piped directly into radiators.

24. The hot water can also be circulated through radiators to heat the house.

25. Don't spit, don't do anything wrong, so that the clean water can be collected.

26. Brackish water can be found in some inland lakes, such as the Caspian Sea

27. (A large quantity of ice and water can easily accumulate in engine-room bilges).

28. Washing the hands with soap and water can prevent illness and actually save lives.

29. Some Anacondas, which live in the water, can reach up to 30 feet in length

30. The built - up ice(, snow and water can lead to serious rooftop damage.

31. Water - the creator of climate and weather Water can contain vast amounts of heat energy.

32. We also depend on it for cleansing, since water can dissolve and wash away impurities.

33. In an emergency, water can be pumped from the well to replenish the irrigation canals.

34. Water can be fresh, and other waters can be Brackishly contaminated with Sulphur or salt

35. The chemistry of connate water can change in composition throughout the history of the rock.

36. Strong alkaline water and strong acid water can be obtained by adding salt to service water.

37. A simple mixture of glucose and water can save lives in many parts of the world.

38. Harsh weather and central heating make skin drier and cleaning with water can exacerbate the problem.

39. The water can be cut off by opening the tank top cover to let air in.

40. The Mpemba effect is a process in which hot water can freeze faster than cold water.

41. Other methods include permeable car parks, where water can soak through the surface and be collected.

42. The absorb experiment by acetone - air gas and water can realize the requirement of engineering exercises.

43. Even the simple act of placing one's hands in hot water can cause an aggressive response.

44. This deficit must be satisfied before any water can infiltrate downwards through the soil to replenish the aquifer.

45. When it comes to chemical tests, bromine water can also be used to differentiate between alkanes and Alkenes

46. Water can be heated in roof tanks hot enough for bathing, for washing dishes, or for the laundry.

47. Water can store a lot of heat without a substantial rise in temperature, thus helping to moderate climate.

48. 21 This deficit must be satisfied before any water can infiltrate downwards through the soil to replenish the aquifer.

49. Because in a few days, the force of the dripping water can actually drill a hole through the wood.

50. Hard water can cause scale buildup in pipes, valves, and filters, reducing performance and adding to system maintenance costs.

51. An appropriate towed device on the section of the tori line in the water can improve the aerial extension.

52. In a year, more water can evaporate from an uncovered dugout than a typical family and farm would actually use.

53. And in the intense heat of the tropics, to children a body of water can be an irresistible swimming pool.

54. Science finds that a surface tension on the water can draw the boats together, like toy boats in a bathtub.

55. Make sure that the ventilation pipe is unobstructed, and that water can not run down the pipe into the house.

56. Energy and the technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be pretty costly.

57. In the method, heavy metal and nitrate in the raw water can be efficiently removed and the effluent is alkalescent.

58. More important, the pores in some rocks are either large or join up so that water can flow through them easily.

59. Massages on the base of the tummy with essential oils and warm water can naturally help your tummy to Become flatter

60. Another 3. 4% of Earth's water can be found in other large bodies of water or frozen inside glaciers or ice caps.

61. Each ornamental fountain is designed to take a pump outlet so that water can spout from its mouth, shell or similar object.

62. Wells can be drilled into the Aquifers and water can be pumped out, while precipitation eventually adds water back into the aquifer.

63. * Where the drilling taps into water that is above 350 degrees [175°C], the water can be used to drive electrical generators.

64. Water can help ease your Cough - whether you drink it or add it to the air with a steamy shower or vaporizer

65. Water can stain it, so a roller has to know what he's doing in order to make a Candela cigar by hand

66. 25 More important, the pores in some rocks are either large or join up so that water can flow through them easily.

67. The sweet murmur of their water can provide balm for troubled spirits and their banks offer sweet shelter to nurture true love.

68. A Bituminous coating's flexibility and protection against vapor and water can be influenced by the polymer grade as well as reinforcement of fiber.

69. The anomalously warm water can exist for a long distance along the equator at least as far west as Canton Island (172oW, 3oS).

70. While desalinizing 1,000 US gallons (3,800 L) of water can cost as much as $3, the same amount of bottled water costs $7,945.

71. The negatively charged Colloidal particles of impurities get neutralized by the Al 3+ ions and settle down and pure water can be decanted off

72. 🔊 Only animals that are able to endure the blazing sun and extreme heat with little water can survive in the harsh desert Biome

73. Cofferdam will typically be placed at the downstream end of the scour pool to ensure the water can be properly controlled on the site

74. Water chemistry is particularly important; trace metals in brewing water can lead to metallic Aftertastes, and carbonate waters can give hop bitterness a lingering harshness.

75. No amount of water can absolve him of his accountability for passing that unjust sentence upon Jesus. —Matthew 27:11-26; Luke 23:13-25.

76. It grows in flooded paddies where the water can harbour inorganic Arsenicals that are readily absorbed into the growing plant and are passed into the grain.

77. is provided. An adiabatic pad is provided wherein water can be used to cool the ambient air before entering or impacting the condensing or fluid cooling coil.

78. (Matthew 6:22) Setting your eyes on lobster and fine wine when all you can afford is dried fish and water can easily lead to financial ruin.

79. Piscine color is black, blue or gray, it is the five elements belongs to water, water can flourishing money, the force that rush money is very powerful also.

80. The denial of access to water can be used for political leverage or as a weapon of war, as we have heard a number of times this morning.