Use "water level" in a sentence

1. Feed-water heaters, e.g. preheaters Accumulators for preheated water Controlling water feed or water level; Automatic water feeding or water-level regulators (steam traps F16T; measuring or indicating instruments G01; for indicating water level G01F; level control in general G05D 9/00)

2. And the water level -- these are not empty canisters -- water level is right up to this.

3. Water level should be regularly monitored, and filled with distilled water only.

4. 6.9 µm - "Mid-level Water Vapor" Band - 2 km resolution - Band 9 is the mid-level water vapor Band

5. We closed the spillway, and the water level dropped.

6. The lowest level of water in a body water, such as a river, lake, or reservoir.

7. Beavers living on water bodies that maintain a constant level …

8. As the water level sank, his army sloshed along the riverbed, with water up to their thighs.

9. The water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.

10. The present invention relates to a water-level control method for a pressure tank, and relates to a method for accurately and reliably controlling the water level in a pressure tank by detecting level-transmitter abnormalities.

11. Artesian water is the water coming from arteries wall, to be surfaced into the ground level, the water needs to be pressured naturally

12. Water level determining the origin of depth measurements for the chart datum.

13. Blackeyes is a Level 4 WATER Fiend with 1000 ATK and DEF

14. So rainfall cycle and water regulation by rainforests at an ecosystem level.

15. The rotating gate for shallow water drainage and damming timely adjusts the water level of farmland surface water and underground water better according to the growth needs of crops.

16. The Coffer dam removes when concreting has been done above the water level

17. This process is to test for GALAXY S4's level of water resistance

18. (8) The level refers to treated water coming from activities involving acid polishing.

19. As the level of the water rose, villages were put on evacuation standby.

20. You want to be the one to lower the water level to 0, which means you need the water level to be at 1, 3, or 4 when control switches to you.

21. The lake level rose until the water flowed through the hills to the south.

22. The water level went down enough for the Persian soldiers to walk through it.

23. ABSOLUTE Coolant Proof Caliper Series 500 with Dust/Water Protection Conforming to IP67 Level.

24. The water was up to/had come up to the level of the windows.

25. 12 The water level of the Mississippi River is already 5 feet below normal.

26. Water-soluble sterol derivatives for lowering a cholesterol level and method for preparing same

27. Each bottle is different, meaning the water level will give you a different shape.

28. Water level will generally be about 6" below the top of the Baptistry

29. They lifted the canal over the hill, raising the water level by 75 feet.

30. Two stoplog weirs facilitate adjustment of the water level of the upstream slackwater section.

31. The populations may vary greatly between years, depending on temperature, water level and quality.

32. The Amplitude of an ocean wave is the maximum height of the wave crest above the level of calm water, or the maximum depth of the wave trough below the level of calm water

33. With the completion and impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, there would be enormous water body and dramatic changes in water level.

34. In terms of storm surges above mean sea level, the maximum annual water levels in

35. Pressure indicator plugs for valves, solenoid valves, vacuum valves, gasoline gauges, water level indicators, manometers

36. Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.

37. Reference data for water level gauges relevant to navigation shall be provided by member States.

38. The Amplitude of an ocean wave, for example, is the maximum height of the wave crest above the level of calm water, or the maximum depth of the wave trough below the level of calm water

39. And what about “Alkalised” water? Alkaline or ionised water is water that has a high pH level, and is meant to help the body neutralise acidity and stay in balance

40. Anableps is a Central American fish that “rides at water level, its bulbous eyeballs separated into halves adapted to vision in air and water.

41. isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead wires etc.,

42. isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead cables etc.,

43. As a result, Hart Lake has the most stable water level within the Warner Lakes chain.

44. The low-level(Sentencedict), continuous exposure arising from aluminium sulphate in water purification is very worrying.

45. — isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead cables etc.,

46. — isolated dangers in the fairway/navigation channel above water level, such as bridges, overhead wires etc.,

47. 3.2 Reference data for water level gauges relevant to navigation shall be provided by member States.

48. In the cheese milk or equivalent level if added after removal of whey and addition of water

49. When a mixture of water and air is received through the pump inlet, the torque level falls.

50. The second digit indicates the level of protection that the enclosure provides against harmful ingress of water.

51. His warriors were ready to slosh up the riverbed as soon as the water level sank sufficiently.

52. The surface area of Anodes exposed to the water is what determines the protection level (in volts)

53. Raceways means artificial units constructed above or below ground level capable of high rates of water interchange.

54. Near the shore, surface currents are driven by both the wind and tides, which draw water back and forth as the water level falls and rises.

55. It also states that overall water abstraction in the European Union is, on average, 21 % of renewable water resources and declares this as a sustainable level.

56. Considered a dependable and cheap way to remove oil, grease and other hydrocarbons from water, oil skimmers can sometimes achieve the desired level of water purity.

57. Distorted bends lead to a much larger channel sinuosity and smaller gradient, and thus flow velocity declines and water level becomes higher at equal water discharge.

58. Boiling Point Of Water 212 Fahrenheit (°F), 100 Celsius (°C) - these Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures are for the boiling point of water at sea level

59. Water with a salinity between this level and 1‰ is typically referred to as marginal water because it is marginal for many uses by humans and animals.

60. (30): In the cheese milk or equivalent level if added after removal of whey and addition of water

61. Berm, terrace of a beach that has formed in the backshore, above the water level at high tide

62. A tidal surface datum approximating the level of the mean of the lower low water at spring tides.

63. About 70.8% of the surface is covered by water, with much of the continental shelf below sea level.

64. * We have had the principles of water-sharing agreements finalized at the Secretary-level meeting in January, 2011.

65. As the water level in the tube falls, air feeds into the tube via non-return inlet valves.

66. Annually, the oscillation of the Amazon’s water level varies between 30 and 40 feet [9 and 12 m].

67. The main goal with the dike was to lower the water level by at least one metre as compared to the minimum level of December, 1862. (104.096 m A.F.

68. This makes water exchange slow, and the strong water inflow from the rivers reduce the level of salinity in the gulf (3.05–3.25 percent) and enriches the sediments.

69. 28 The phase lag produced by the response of the well water level to variation of air pressure results from permeation of water between the well and aquifer.

70. Definition of Alkalinity: "The buffering capacity of a water body; a measure of the ability of the water body to neutralize acids and bases and thus maintain a fairly stable pH level" • Water Science School HOME • Water Properties topics • Water Quality topics • Alkalinity and Acid Neutralizing Capacity

71. University of Alaska seismologist Larry Gedney explained, "Since [the dam] reached its peak of 475 feet in 19 the level of seismicity has fluctuated in direct response to water level.

72. A high level of Comraderies among the crew of LCRC on and off the water makes it all worthwhile

73. Level 2 Aerosols are predominately water miscible flammable/combustible liquids; they produced intense fires, and ruptured cans are propelled.

74. Open the cold water supply valve until the level is about half way up the Blowdown tank gauge glass

75. Otherwise, a drop in the water level might leave boaters high and dry and give property owners mudflat views.

76. For example, when we heat water up to 100 ℃ at sea level, it starts Boiling and converts into vapor

77. Some rivers contained masses of broken bridges, black knots of steel bunched grotesquely at the level of the water.

78. Most of the soil is loam, clay loam, sandy loam, and clay, which absorbs water at a moderate level.

79. Only the water itself, its wildly fluctuating level carving a swathe of devastation along the shore, betrays the deception.

80. A slug test is a controlled field experiment performed by groundwater hydrologists to estimate the hydraulic properties of aquifers and aquitards in which the water level in a control well is caused to change suddenly (rise or fall) and the subsequent water-level response