Use "waste of money" in a sentence

1. Counteroffers Are a Waste of Money

2. So why waste money?"

3. That was an Appalling waste of money

4. It's a disgraceful waste of taxpayers' money.

5. You shouldn't waste your money.

6. There has been a colossal waste of public money.

7. 7 What a fearful waste of time and money.

8. People decried the campaign as a waste of money.

9. We can't waste any more of the department's money!

10. Do not waste money on bad habits.

11. She was declaiming against the waste of the taxpayers' money.

12. The waste of public money on the project was criticized.

13. It's a sin to waste so much money.

14. A responsible government shouldn't waste the taxpayers' money.

15. To waste time or money on a Boondoggle

16. To waste time or money on a Boondoggle

17. 11 Don't waste your money on that junk!

18. I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public money.

19. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.

20. The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks.

21. It's a sin to waste taxpayers' money like that.

22. I resolved not to waste money on a hotel.

23. What, he will throw all that paper, what a waste of money.

24. 14 Taxpayers are grumbling about the waste of government money, as usual.

25. If he wants to waste his money, that's his lookout.

26. To my way of thinking, it would just be a massive waste of money.

27. 19 That would be a waste of their time, and time is money.

28. The so called "Blueprinting" is just a waste of time and money

29. That's an enormous amount of waste of time and money that ends up on the floor.

30. Only time will tell if cryonics is true science or a complete waste of money.

31. To Basava and others , it appeared to be a waste of time , money and labour .

32. It's enough to make you weep, seeing all that money go to waste.

33. 9 Under the pretext of travelling on business, ( some cadres ) go holidaying and waste public money.

34. That horse is a complete outsider; I wouldn't waste your money on it.

35. One of the men threatened to waste the bank teller if he didn't get the money.

36. Unfortunately, the Crown Court which is the greatest source of the waste of public money is not being attacked.

37. Thus, an expensive irrigation project is a waste of money if other limiting factors are not addressed first.

38. He's very rich, but he doesn't like to flaunt his wealth or waste his money.

39. ◦ conical waste combustors of municipal waste.

40. He was a political gadfly, turning up at city council meetings and complaining about the waste of taxpayers' money.

41. The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.

42. Leave it to the green - eyed devil to let all that extra money go to waste.

43. Not the First Lady because all she was concerned about was cutting waste and saving taxpayer money.

44. A Boondoggle is a government project considered to have little purpose or value and to be a waste of taxpayer money

45. Abyssal sequestration of nuclear waste and other types of hazardous waste

46. The original griddle works great as it get the heat directly but this grill top Accessory is a COMPLETE waste of money

47. This explains why public organizations get so bloated: our budget systems actually encourage every public manager to waste money.

48. municipal waste collected = proportion of population covered by the municipal waste collecting agency * municipal waste generated

49. Would some parents choose schools with the fanciest athletic facilities or the most frivolous courses and waste taxpayers' money?

50. Autoclaved waste can subsequently be disposed of as general waste

51. The label Balked and dropped the band rather than "waste" any more money on anti-commercial junk

52. There are two types of waste generated, is the liquid waste and the other is dry waste.

53. Waste consisting of aqueous liquids, acids/alkalis or pumpable sludges (e.g. emulsions, waste acids, aqueous marine waste) which is not liquid biodegradable waste.

54. 7 Millions in developmenting money has atrociously leaked onto notoriously gone to waste, in the 7 years since the fall of the Taliban.

55. Waste compacting device of apparatus for manufacturing combustible waste fuel rod

56. 26 They did not want to waste their time, effort, money and future chances in taking on an impregnable President.

57. As for over-the-counter eyedrops for people who have no eye-related medical condition, he said: "They are typically a waste of money.

58. Waste of fucking time.

59. Instead of generating less waste, they get rid of fussy impediments to waste disposal.

60. the introduction of a procedure to clarify when a waste ceases to be a waste for selected waste streams;

61. The introduction of a procedure to clarify when a waste ceases to be a waste for selected waste streams.

62. For tow and waste of Manila Hemp read tow, noils and waste of abace.

63. It is a colossal waste of money and simply an occasion for left-wing Blowhards to opine on political matters beyond their authority and competence.

64. Refining of waste by electrolysis, by melting or by chemical means of waste and scrap

65. Food waste to Becost-effectively collected as part of the yard waste program

66. In particular, the study needs take into account the following wastes: waste wood, bark or other plant matter; waste from the preparation of food or drinks; blood and gut contents from abattoirs; animal manure; waste lime; lime sludge from cement manufacture or gas processing; waste gypsum; paper-waste sludge; waste paper and de-inked paper pulp; dredgings; textile waste; waste from the leather industry; and, tanner waste.

67. To dump waste at sea (strong acid waste)?

68. 7204 10 00 -Waste and scrap of cast iron -Waste and scrap of alloy steel:

69. Waste masticators and compressors [electric waste disposal units]

70. Biodegradable waste : Any waste that is capable of undergoing anaerobic or aerobic decomposition, such as food, garden waste, paper and cardboard.

71. The status of a mixture of a Characteristically hazardous waste with another waste depends on the characteristic(s) displayed by the original hazardous waste

72. Waste-air chimney for a waste-air hood

73. Radioactive waste is waste that contains radioactive material.

74. In the United States, the most known type of Cytotoxic waste is chemotherapy waste

75. The Biomethane is an energy renewable 100 % produced from the degradation of organic waste: waste greens, domestic garbage, agricultural waste, farm-produce

76. What a waste of humanity.

77. Electric waste disposal units including waste masticators and compressors

78. A: Absence of definitive standards governing the storage of waste (or waste 'acceptance criteria' or WAC).

79. Biogas refers to a mixture of gases produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter such as agricultural waste, municipal waste, plant residue, food waste etc

80. We need to encourage composting, and biodegradable waste—all Compostable waste is biodegradable—is a vital part of the waste stream to tackle.