Use "washing soda" in a sentence

1. Mother used washing soda to get the stains out.

2. Water can be softened by adding washing soda to it.

3. Most, however, consisted of simple washing soda, Epsom salts, or other innocuous ingredients.

4. And the suggestions and plans of washing soda crystallization granule size increase were put forward.

5. 27 And the suggestions and plans of washing soda crystallization granule size increase were put forward.

6. The deep earthenware sink had a curtain of flowered Cretonne and a wooden draining board, the space beneath being used to keep a variety of things; Ajax,Brasso,Parazone, washing soda,double bars of Puritan soap,Lifebuoy and Swarfega, lavender scented Mansion polish, a ball of hairy string and a small tin that used to contain White Heather