Use "wart" in a sentence

1. Cryotherapy wart removal is a procedure to remove your wart by freezing it with liquid nitrogen

2. Condyloma definition is - genital wart

3. Caruncle (Latin: caruncula "wart") may refer to:

4. Everyone knows about every wart on President Clinton.

5. 13 Wart-like growths may occur on the shin.

6. She knows where she is with a wart.

7. The wart crept out between his parted lips.

8. 11 Such a person is often said to be a worry wart, also rendered as worrywart or worry-wart in some literary references.

9. And wart hog three-one, expect possible go-round short final.

10. That Pong he's as tenacious as an ass wart.

11. This is sprayed on or applied to the wart.

12. While my computer is busy, I scan my wart.

13. Clara Beeding was chatting amicably to the man with the wart.

14. There is a wart - like lump on the sole of right foot.

15. Flat wart (Verruca plana), a small, smooth flattened wart, flesh-coloured, which can occur in large numbers; most common on the face, neck, hands, wrists and knees.

16. Power is usually supplied by a cord from a wall wart transformer.

17. Its one wart, if you could call it that, is its oddball control layout.

18. Mermaids, magic spells and a giant with a wart on his nose.

19. Condylomata a·cu·mi·na·ta See genital wart.

20. Ingredients: Refined wheat starch, fresh eggs , lactobacillus calcium , iodin refined salt , purified wart.

21. Burls are the wart on the side of a tree or in the root ball

22. A Condyloma acuminatum is a single genital wart, and Condylomata acuminata are multiple genital warts

23. S alicylic acid complex (commonly used by Physicians for wart removal) is applied for 60 seconds.

24. First instar pink Bollworm adjacent to entry hole “wart” on the inner carpal wall of a boll

25. His mouth opened, and sure enough, there was the old wart on the end of his tongue.

26. Any sore that does not heaL Progressive changes in size or color or feeling in a wart or mole.

27. The little ones are licking each other again, and Harry's got a seeping wart on his extra toe.

28. Condylomata lata or condyloma latum, is a cutaneous condition characterized by wart-like lesions on the genitals

29. What does Anbury mean? (archaic) A wen or spongy wart on the legs or flanks of a horse

30. Some of these cells form a wart-like tumor, which grows and spreads into the rest of the lungs.

31. When Master Chief armed his grenade, I was in the back of an overturned wart hog, firing an M

32. She was a woman in her fifties who would have been handsome except for a large wart on her cheek.

33. The wart itself bears a strong resemblance to the creature as a whole except just at the point of attachment.

34. The general symptoms are wart - like nodules on the comb and wattles and appearance of greyish spots or blisters on the skin .

35. How do I prepare for Cryotherapy wart removal? Your healthcare provider may talk to you about how to prepare for this procedure

36. A range of types of wart have been identified, varying in shape and site affected, as well as the type of human papillomavirus involved.

37. Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre[ ], AIDS.

38. To find out whether a hard patch of skin is a callus or a wart, your doctor will scrape some skin off the affected area

39. Bartonella Bacilliformis is the etiologic agent of Carrion's disease or Oroya fever (acute phase of infection), and verruga peruana or Peruvian wart (chronic phase of infection).: 3

40. 24 Rates of new genital wart cases have plummeted since the program to vaccinate young women and Australian schoolgirls got underway in mid 200

41. Piglin Bastions, although similar to Hoglin Stable Bastions, can be identified through the Nether Wart, which grows in the center courtyard of the Bastion

42. Meaning: Altostratus mamma: As mam: sac-like, wart-like excrescences at the bottom side of the cloud: Altostratus virga: As vir: with drop strips

43. Asbestoid asbestos asbestos abatement asbestos bodies: asbestos corn asbestos liner asbestos lung disease asbestos wart asbestoses asbestosis asbestoslike asbestous asbestus asbestuses: Literary usage of Asbestine

44. Condyloma the medical term for a condition known more popularly as Genital Wart Infection. This is a sexually transmitted disorder (STD) and mainly affects older teenagers and young adults

45. Invasive alien species have even triggered trade embargoes under the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules (e.g. potato wart fungus, swede midge) and depressed commodity values (e.g. Solanum weeds in soybeans).

46. Condoning all this silly shit 2nd Verse Me and microphones, should be studied under microscopes I write the type of dope, providing for hope, for Dingleberry IV, Finale: Katy's Wart Ecce Shnak

47. The initial form of EV presents with only flat, wart-like lesions over the body, whereas the malignant form shows a higher rate of polymorphic skin lesions and development of multiple cutaneous tumors.

48. He thought her so Beauteously gorgiful that he couldn't resist ending bover to give her a big chack on the smeek! She stoke with a wart and looked up into his fandsome hace

49. How to use Bazuka Treatment Gel? Carefully apply a thin coating (1 or 2 drops) of Bazuka Treatment Gel to the surface of the verruca, wart, corn or callus once every night, and allow to dry

50. Condyloma acuminatum (genital wart, venereal wars) is a sexually transmitted papilloma of viral origin, usually occurring on the external genitals or in the perianal region.… Condylomata Acuminata (Condyloma Acuminata): Read more about Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Complications, Causes …

51. Condyloma refers to wart-like skin growths – usually in the genital, anal, or oral regions but occasionally found in other areas of the body – that are caused by a sexually transmitted infection.The most common type is known as genital warts and is termed Condyloma acuminata.

52. In modern medicine, when a type of wart forms near the opening of the urethra, in a reddish tint, physicians refer to it as a urethral Caruncle.This condition is most prevalent in women after menopause, and may or may not be painful.

53. The most common clinical sign of Avian pox is the formation of wart-like growths on the skin, particularly on unfeathered parts of the body such as the legs, feet, eyelids, base of the beak, and the comb and wattles

54. Caruncle a small, fleshy swelling, such as the lacrimal Caruncle which is the red prominance at the inner corner of the eye. a wart-like growth present on the seeds of some ANGIOSPERMS, such as the castor oil plant, near to the MICROPYLE

55. Back; Skin Ailments; Antibiotics & Antiseptics; Corns, Calluses, Blisters & Bunions Relief; Lip & Cold Sore Treatments; Wound Care; Itching & Rash Treatments; Psoriasis & Eczema Treatment; Athlete's Foot & Antifungal; Wart Removal; Scar & Stretch Mark Treatments; Shop Skin Ailments; Sale on Skin Ailments; Feminine Care

56. Through much of 18c., later derided as clumsy in form and extravagant in contorted ornamentation," 1765, from French Baroque "irregular" (15c.), said to be from Portuguese barroco "imperfect pearl," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps related to Spanish berruca "a wart."

57. Cauterize: 1 v burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent “The surgeon Cauterized the wart” Synonyms: burn , cauterise Type of: care for , treat provide treatment for v make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals Synonyms: callous , cauterise Type of: harden , indurate , inure cause to

58. For the treatment of warts, which are mostly caused by viruses, silver nitrate is used in the form of a solid stick, the so-called lunar caustic The effect of this stick is commonly described as cauterization, this means the silver nitrate releases corrosive nitric acid when exposed to light and this etches off the wart.