Use "war crimes" in a sentence

1. The commission is charged with investigating war crimes.

2. And war crimes committed against the civillian population

3. Others have spoken of war crimes and reparations.

4. "Protesters heckle Kissinger, denounce him for 'war crimes'".

5. He was put on trial for war crimes.

6. Aggressors are grabbing territory; war crimes are being committed.

7. This includes crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

8. The team have been collecting evidence about war crimes.

9. 6 He was put on trial for war crimes.

10. Serbian war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic was ordered out of his own arraignment by judges at the Yugoslav war crimes Tribunal in The Hague.

11. Ratko Mladic, are brought to justice for alleged war crimes.

12. Milosevic has been indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal.

13. Not unless you're an Egyptian national wanted for war crimes.

14. Momcilo Krajisnik, Bosnian Serb Convicted of War Crimes, Dies at 75

15. Attacks on humanitarian aid workers are war crimes in international law.

16. Some of these acts constitute war crimes according to the Convention.

17. Scorpions, Serbian death squad, tried for war crimes against Bosnian Muslims.

18. acts of torture are war crimes and can constitute crimes against humanity,

19. This country refuses stubbornly to make amends for its past war crimes.

20. The new democratic regime has carried out very few investigations into war crimes.

21. He's interested in the branch of international law that deals with war crimes.

22. A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.

23. He is charged with 20 war crimes, including genocide and crimes against humanity.

24. I testified against her as a professional witness in a Rwanda war crimes tribunal.

25. We have to prosecute all the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity."

26. 2 A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.

27. Those responsible for violations of human rights and war crimes act with complete impunity.

28. The president, Milan Milutinovic, once a Milosevic crony, has also been indicted for war crimes.

29. They differ from war Crimes because they are not isolated acts committed by individual soldiers, …

30. In Serbia: Strengthen the office of the prosecutor for war crimes; establish administrative and appellate courts

31. It was set up after a three-year campaign by an all-party war crimes group.

32. It was to be invoked only for genocide , war crimes , ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity.

33. The repetition of those war crimes underscores the fact that they were premeditated and coordinated acts.

34. He was interned but,as he was in no way implicated in war crimes,was released.

35. Establish, wherever necessary, independent and credible commissions of inquiry on war crimes and crimes against humanity (France);

36. (C.4) Legislative measures for the implementation of treaties The Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act:

37. The following acts in particular, shall be deemed war crimes punishable under the terms of this Code:

38. Prevailing international law, however, prohibits amnesties that cover crimes against humanity, war crimes or acts of genocide

39. He was interned but,as he was in no way implicated in war crimes(,was released.

40. The War Crimes Section of the Higher Court in Belgrade has granted a request by the Bosnian …

41. To date, however, there has been no accountability for those who have committed war crimes in Syria.

42. He was interned but,as he was in no way implicated in war crimes,[ ]was released.

43. Recalls that there can be no amnesty or impunity for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide

44. Question: What is India's position on an external mechanism to investigate the alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka?

45. The outside world talks of a war crimes tribunal but nobody supposes that anything will come of that.

46. When the Allies disintegrated IG Farben due to several war crimes , the company reappeared as an individual business.

47. whereas war crimes should be pursued with equal determination, means and efficiency at both State and local level

48. She testified at the 1945 war crimes trial of former commandants and staff members from Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen

49. Several months after Bergen-Belsen’s liberation, Hughes testified at what would be the first war crimes trial following Germany’s surrender

50. Al-Majid was captured following the 2003 invasion of Iraq and was charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

51. If it ever comes to a war crimes tribunal for him, our town can provide a few witnesses for the prosecution.

52. ‘The entire war is an Atrocity, a war crime, launched on the basis of lies.’ ‘The year since the invasion has been marked by further war crimes and atrocities.’ ‘Their endurance in battle soon became as legendary as their involvement in a number of war crimes and atrocities.’

53. Anger at what has been perpetrated and an insistence on due process are the essential combination in dealing with war crimes.

54. Bemba has since appointed a new lead defense counsel, Peter Haynes, to handle his war crimes trial in place of Kilolo-Musamba.

55. The Agency helps to achieve this objective by: providing screening support to CIC’s visa operations abroad; refusing entry to persons suspected of war crimes; seeking to exclude such persons from the refugee determination process in Canada; and removing failed refugee claimants involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity.

56. Bemba has since appointed a new lead defense counsel, Peter Haynes, to handle his war crimes trial in place of Kilolo-Musamba.

57. 28 If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.

58. Germain Katanga faces war crimes charges dating back to 2005, alongside three co-accused who have been awaiting trial for nearly 11 years.

59. "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China, " some pointed out.

60. Most importantly, Amnesties that prevent the prosecution of individuals who may be legally responsible for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and other gross

61. The media on both sides air propaganda that accuses the other of war crimes while the player fights for each nation back and forth.

62. Congress are “Complicitors” in Israel’s long history of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity; and as such are “war criminals” themselves.

63. Often described as Europe's deadliest conflicts since World War II, the wars were marked by many war crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity and rape.

64. The US could be implicated in potential war crimes in Yemen because of its support for a Saudi-led coalition air campaign, official documents suggest.

65. Serbia remains committed to contributing actively to the Tribunal’s efforts to accomplish its mission, as well as to effectively prosecuting war crimes before its domestic courts.

66. Many Atrocities and war crimes were committed during the war such as the Bataan Death March and the Manila massacre that culminated with the Battle of Manila

67. For example, the Croatian 1996 General Law on Amnesty provides for Amnesties to all those who participated in the rebellion, but excluded war crimes and other international crimes.

68. Ms. Grese was hanged at the age of 21 for war crimes committed in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen; Ms. Koch was convicted of participating in murders at Buchenwald.

69. When money is on the line, does big business turn a blind eye to war crimes? While it may be hard to understand how companies could have possibly Collaborated …

70. Serbia's government has been under increasing pressure to arrest war crimes suspects such as Karadzic and Mladic – who were believed to be in hiding in Serbia rather than Bosnia.

71. Recognizing the contribution of the International Criminal Court in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, calling upon States not to grant amnesties for such crimes and acknowledging the contribution of the international criminal tribunals and special courts in ending impunity for the most serious crimes against children, including genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,

72. Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts 1 June 2007 Term Definition A-287 Cryptonym for Josef Stigler

73. Thus, having adopted a bill granting immunity to American personnel, even if they commit war crimes or genocide, it is now coercing various countries into signing bilateral agreements containing immunity clauses.

74. On 8 June 2018, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court decided, by majority, to acquit Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo from the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

75. This case was investigated in 1947 in a war crimes trial, and of 30 Japanese soldiers prosecuted, five (Maj. Matoba, Gen. Tachibana, Adm. Mori, Capt. Yoshii, and Dr. Teraki) were found guilty.

76. Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA FilesNazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure ActsTerm DefinitionFJMACHINE Free Europe Exile Relations (FEER), a Division of the Free Europe Committee,FJPASTIME Inc

77. Australia’s special forces unlawfully killed farmers and civilian prisoners for the purpose of “Blooding”, whereby a soldier takes a life for the first time as a rite of passage, the long-awaited report investigating war crimes has found.

78. Question:Videos have now surfaced of beheadings of Indian soldiers along the Line of Control, and the Army Chief has said today that the question on whether these are to be taken up as war crimes should be addressed to the Government.

79. 1 day ago · By Abstaining on UNHRC’s Sri Lanka resolution, India pulled off a balancing act The resolution, seventh since the war with LTTE ended in 2009, called for fixing accountability for war crimes and rights violations.

80. Allegoric or Metaphoric Representations; Concentration and Extermination Camps; Deniers and Denial; Germany, Hitler and the Growth of Nazism; European Jewry Before the Holocaust; Escape; The Ghettos; Hiding; Righteous Gentiles; Rescue; Resistance; Liberation; Nazi War Crimes and Judgement; Other Victims of Nazi Persecution; Perpetrators