Use "waning" in a sentence

1. Her popularity was waning somewhat.

2. The morning is waning fast amidst my garrulity.

3. The hybrid of commonwealth, long ascendant, is waning.

4. My enthusiasm for the project was waning.

5. 5 By the late Thirties,( eugenics was waning.

6. The day is waning and the road is ending.

7. Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.

8. Her popularity clearly shows no sign of waning.

9. Price-sensitivity is waxing and brand-loyalty waning.

10. Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly.

11. 3 Price-sensitivity is waxing and brand-loyalty waning.

12. The moon was waning, and each day it rose later.

13. Tonight , the waning gibbous moon is 2 days past full.

14. Blurried night scene of blue waning moon moving slowly in diagonal path

15. Expectations for waning inflation coincide with the anticipation of slower economic growth.

16. Gruesome cancer Afflicting Tasmanian devils may be waning, a hopeful sign

17. The model also incorporates post-vaccine compart- ments and vaccine-related waning immunity.

18. Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.

19. Though a waning craft, plastering still remains one of the greatest building skills.

20. A Banishing ritual should be done when the Moon is waning

21. And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse.

22. The declining Attendances certainly don't mark waning interest to consume college football

23. Within large companies the need for in-house, highly specialized computer expertise is waning.

24. But Takeshita, in waning health and power in recent years, died in June.

25. The waning gibbous moon and Saturn above your eastern horizon by around 00 p.m. tonight.

26. Synonyms for Bating include ebbing, lessening, waning, aBating, moderating, slackening, lapsing, easing, checking and curbing

27. Horse sausage and mutton sausage are also traditional foods in Iceland, although their popularity is waning.

28. 2 Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.

29. Antonyms for Ameliorating include worsening, deteriorating, decreasing, declining, degenerating, degrading, depreciating, fading, failing and waning

30. 24 Don't make oaths lightly to the moon, for it is always waxing and waning.

31. The waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.

32. In the waning light of the spring evening, play commences in the second-grade Fathers / Students League.

33. Passel Argente is a male humanoid Senator serving the Galactic Republic during that august government's waning years.

34. Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.

35. The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us.

36. But with his popularity waning and the economy temporarily faltering, Park was in trouble even in his own entourage.

37. However, data indicate that protection against pertussis may be waning at # years of age with this #-# months schedule

38. As Burundians remain divided on the issue, Nkurunziza’s prospects of staying in power appear to be waning

39. Aurangzeb’s reign simply happen to coincide with the waning of Sanskrit and the rise of literary Hindi

40. The full - looking waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.

41. Bespill Surrey experienced a dramatic accent to add very good plan! Continually to wait by the time span is waning

42. RP has a broad differential but is distinct from Acrocyanosis and is differentiated by the waxing and waning of extremity discoloration.

43. Even in the final years of the Soviet Union, the managers were stepping into the void created by waning party power.

44. A personalized Banishing ritual with butt-kicking Banishing herbs and oils is best performed on the Waning Moon

45. 6 Historical Romances continued to appear throughout the century, waxing and waning in numbers and popularity as public taste dictated.

46. KELLEY The day was now rapidly waning, bringing on a Balminess of evening such as is found in few places other than Naples

47. These days, "Crescent" is generally used of either a waxing or waning moon, but that wasn't always the case

48. It is hoped too, that 30% to 40% growth in personal computer sales seen for 1993 will offset waning mainframe business.

49. Alto Stratus was a Human male native to rain-soaked world Jabiim who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic

50. In the waning days of the previous American administration, the United States made a serious error in allowing that resolution to pass.

51. However, if we think of the waxing and waning of tonus as being either above or below some arbitrary level, we can simplify the situation considerably.

52. Inflation is expected to fall further, reflecting waning contributions from retail energy and food prices and the direct impact of the temporary reduction in Value Added Tax.

53. Of or like twilight; dim: "the period's Crepuscular charm and a waning of the intense francophilia that used to shape the art market" (Wall Street Journal)

54. But Mexico’s patience is waning, and the dangerously cold weather conditions Befalling people housed in tents just south of the border this week are one more reminder of …

55. Love the line: “He slipped inside, tilting broad, spiral horns left and right to get through, and his hooves Clopped softly onto the linoleum.” waning moon « paper fruit

56. A shake-up in key leadership posts and waning popular support could prevent Mr. Putin's administration from carrying out overdue economic reforms or exercising fiscal discipline, some observers said.

57. Tonight, the tiny constellation Aries the Ram can be found ascending in the east around 9 to 10 p. m. tonight, just above the waning gibbous moon.

58. The waxing and waning of the infections every year is a Combination of the potential for transmission at different times combined with how many susceptible people there are in the population

59. Our chart today shows you the east-northeast sky for about three hours after sunset. The big and bright waning gibbous moon is in front of Gemini the Twins.

60. The death of Attila the Hun was an important high point in the waning days of the Roman Empire and how he died is something of a mystery

61. Although our physical strength is now waning, Erika and I are still determined to live by the words of that song of days gone by: “O for a faith that will not shrink.”

62. Batwa,he says, believes that the moon is a source of good especially its impact on human fertility and that its waxing and waning influence the life of the individual

63. I Awoke (or was I wakened) my wakefulness alert to the possibility of a surprise awakening, which really woke me up to the further possibilities of waketudiness, leaving in it’s wake a moment of waning wakery

64. Biogenesis A term of waning popularity that specifies what is now regarded as an inherent scientific truism—i.e., that all life arises from pre-existing life; this in contradistinction to spontaneous generation of life (life arising from non-pre-existing life)

65. ‘I am Constrained, however, to require repayment only at the time this proceeding is resolved either by settlement or trial.’ ‘He argues that the main plot of the post-Stalin years was the waning of administrative pressure, but his sources constrain him to tell the story of reforms.’

66. ‘Raposa takes the possibility of voluntary consent to Acedia seriously, but he is more particularly concerned with boredom as a significant but ambiguous fact of the spiritual life.’ ‘Medieval English writers often speak of Acedia as wanhope, a waning of confidence in the efficacy and importance of prayer.’

67. The evaluators found that the eEurope 2005 Action Plan was an important factor helping to keep ICT on the political agenda at a time where interest in the subject was waning. eGovernment and eHealth are two examples where, thanks to eEurope, Member States are working towards precise goals underpinned by high-level support.

68. Crone (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Otherwise known as the Dark Goddess in Wicca.The (triple) Goddess corresponds to the three phases of the Moon: waxing, full, and waning.In her waxing phase, the Goddess is the Virgin, Maiden, and Warrior, in her full phase she is the Mother, and in the waning phase she is the Crone

69. Now that which is of divine birth has a period which is contained in a perfect number, but the period of human birth is comprehended in a number in which first increments by involution and evolution (or squared and cubed) obtaining three intervals and four terms of like and unlike, waxing and waning numbers, make all the terms Commensurable and agreeable to one another.

70. A creature of the Void, the Crawler was the chief lieutenant of the antagonistic entity known only as the Corruption.In the waning days of the Old Kingdom, following the construction of the Tattered Spire, the Crawler attempted to enter Albion through a rift created by the Spire.In a desperate attempt to stop it, three heroes, Sol, Blaze, and Stone attempted to seal the rift to stop the Crawler.