Use "wagnerian" in a sentence

1. Wagnerian is an overwhelming experience.

2. He studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre.

3. Nowhere is this more true than with Wagnerian opera.

4. The result is an evening of Wagnerian dimension spread over four and a half hours.

5. Main Curtain will operate straight - lift ( " guillotine " ) and side - tabbing ( " Wagnerian " ), fully motorized and variable speed.

6. It is not so easy to gauge what his emphasis on the book's Wagnerian aspect really implied.

7. It was Wieland who took over the directorship and, by dispensing with much of the traditional symbolism of Wagnerian production, not only restored Bayreuth's reputation but enhanced it.

8. It was as if someone asked Birgit Nilsson, who is famous for her great Wagnerian voice, to substitute overnight for Beverly Sills, who is one of the great coloratura sopranos of our time."

9. So an artistic director has the ability to have a performance that enters in a Wagnerian procession, shows the first act in thrust, the intermission in a Greek procession, second act in arena, and so forth.

10. That's true enough, and one of the things that makes Elgar's music so interesting is that he combined the influences of Brahms and Wagner at a time when those composers were thought to represent two opposing camps (some musicians were "Brahmsian" -- favouring traditional symphonic structure, absolute music, counterpoint, etc; others were "Wagnerian," favouring programmatic music, and