Use "waded" in a sentence

1. The men waded ashore.

2. We waded a shallow river.

3. They waded through the slop.

4. We waded across a shallow stream.

5. They waded the river at a shallow point.

6. I waded farther out as the tide ebbed.

7. 8 The police waded into the crowd swinging sticks.

8. We waded along this stream path for about 30 minutes.

9. He rolled up his trouser legs and waded out into the stream.

10. Waves surged around her gargantuan thighs as she waded towards the shore.

11. Thousands of High Elves were cut down by crossbow fire as they waded ashore.

12. The horses waded in blood up to their knees, nay up to the bridle.

13. When the crowd started throwing stones, the police waded in with tear gas.

14. On 25 November 1917, his advance column waded across the River Rovuma into Portuguese Mozambique.

15. Enthusiasts climbed mountains, lowered themselves down cliffs, and waded through icy waters searching for elusive plants.

16. The men waded fast through the water after him, crouching, firing short bursts towards the trees.

17. He waded through it with a non-stop grin and managed to turn it to political advantage.

18. Waded through rough trails yet he is one of the few who never Backpedalled in his calling to serve

19. He waded in with his sword swinging, and felt the jar down his arm as it almost decapitated an animal.

20. Early Salvationists had waded through snake-infested swamps, stripped to the waist, and established huts thatched with palm fronds.

21. Orson Welles's Othello "waded through the great speeches, pausing before the stronger words like a landing craft Breasting a swell."

22. The soldiers then waded into the river to the city gates, which had been left open, and took Babylon with little resistance.

23. He anchored his boat in hip-deep water about 25 yards from the beach, and we waded ashore like General Douglas MacArthur.

24. 3 Bill Lacovara, an insurance adjuster from Ventnor, New Jersey, said he waded out to get the bag while on a fishing trip last week.

25. For two days invasion barges drew into the shore and German soldiers leaped out and waded shorewards, while light tanks landed on the esplanade under dummy fire.

26. Hilario shrugged off the rank implausibility of his situation, ignored the wince-inducing pressure and waded straight into the deep end, which has got to take some guts.

27. The Book of Humorous Verse by Carolyn Wells (1920) " their purple favors, Thro' becks that Brattled o'er grasses sheen, We walked or waded, we two young shavers, Thanking our …

28. 1915, Edward Lyell Fox, Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany: As I waded through the mud to go down into the Bombproof, it struck me uneasily that our officers glanced at each

29. 2 days ago · Analysis Tenth Circuit Explains and Applies the Scope of Federal Preemption of Product Liability Suits Based on Medical Device Failures The Tenth Circuit waded into the …

30. One day, he recorded, they “waded through Mudy creek waist deep in mud 2 inches of water on the top of the mud and snakes in the water 4 Rods acrost it and prickly vines runing in the mud which cut our legs.”

31. ‘Saturated carpets were placed in soggy piles on mud-Caked roads while residents waded through inches of thick black silt, surveying the damage in the cold light of day.’ ‘In the living-room, sports bags spill their toxic cargo of mud-Caked football boots and mouldering bath towels, and any remaining floor space is littered with wires and