Use "waddling" in a sentence

1. A short plump man came waddling towards me.

2. To move with a waddling motion; toddle.

3. A short plump woman came waddling along the pavement.

4. The final spot was claimed by the pig, who had gotten hungry and stopped to eat and nap before finally waddling across the finish line.

5. Ah, saucy! saucy, quoth he, with gentle Chiding; on which the bear, uncertain and puzzled, dropped its four legs to earth again, and, waddling back, was soon swathed in ropes by the bear-ward and a crowd of peasants who had been in close pursuit

6. Sample Cinquains puppy tree ornery, naughty white, tall growling, jumping, chewing reaching, bending, fluttering a playful bundle of trouble leaves and twigs in the wind Boxer aspen penguin party black, white happy, cheerful waddling, swimming, leaping singing, eating, playing a tuxedo in …