Use "vows" in a sentence

1. The Bodhisattva Vows are vows taken formally by a Buddhist to do exactly that

2. The nun took strait vows.

3. 5 The nun took strait vows.

4. + YOU women will without fail carry out YOUR vows, and YOU will without fail perform YOUR vows.’

5. It's just a few simple vows.

6. So, we both finished our vows.

7. 6 I absolve you from your vows.

8. It's probably more powerful than marriage vows.

9. These cardinals know no vows of poverty.

10. The couple exchanged vows at the altar.

11. Joe Biden Vows To ‘Codify’ Roe V

12. Must we take vows of poverty too?

13. " Renewed vows of amity " and so forth.

14. She makes her vows to the goddess.

15. Alaska GOP Censures, vows primary challenge to Murkowski

16. The bride spoke her vows with tremulous modesty.

17. Abbeys: a residence for men under religious vows.

18. Many no longer take their marriage vows seriously.

19. Ahimsa is the first and foremost of all vows

20. The exchange of thy love's faithful vows for mine.

21. I'm struggling with whether I should renounce my vows.

22. 6 The young monk was released from his vows.

23. It'seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun.

24. The perfect took vows of abstinence, chastity, and poverty.

25. Vows are made voluntarily, of one’s own free will.

26. They made vows of eternal friendship to each other.

27. We had a tasty relationship before she took her vows.

28. The Inquisitor Inoue demanded repeated vows of apostasy from him.

29. 14 In the poem, Satan vows revenge and immortal hate.

30. Abstinence from sexual intercourse, especially by reason of religious vows.

31. The vows are binding only until death do you part.

32. She vows to protect the Naagmani and avenge her mother.

33. However, the exchanging of marriage vows is a serious matter.

34. I remember you standing here when you made your vows.

35. 27 In the poem, Satan vows revenge and immortal hate.

36. 1 She left the convent before taking her final vows.

37. As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

38. The novitiate over, they are permitted to make their first vows.

39. 14 He's tired of his potbelly and vows to start walking.

40. ‘Blackmailers’ will face justice, vows PM Jamil Nagri Published November 2, 2020

41. “Convents” generally refer to houses where Roman Catholic women live under religious vows

42. In 1862 after her vows, she was sent to teach catechism in Bethlehem.

43. And in the fall, I'm going to exchange marriage vows with my beloved.

44. Self-scrutiny is vital, both before and after taking the vows of wedlock.

45. Sophia took monastic vows and became an abbess at Admont, in Styria.

46. 11 As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

47. As Bodhisattvas, we take vows—we set the intention of serving others

48. His marriage to this parish was inviolable in its own sacred vows.

49. A root downfall means a loss of the entire set of Bodhisattva vows

50. 13 The reason for breaking our vows were pecuniary and made financial sense.

51. I've taken my vows at my church, in the name of the Lord.

52. 16 Cliff Burgess is He's tired of his potbelly and vows to start walking.

53. On entering the asylum involuntarily, he voluntarily made vows of poverty, Chastity and Obedience.

54. The vows speak of loyalty and abstinence and murder, but... why never love, Thomas?

55. Beguines did not take vows and were free to leave the community if they willed

56. For some people, money is more important than their marriage vows or even their life!

57. For ease of expression, these two sets are usually called root and secondary Bodhisattva vows

58. Even so, he praised Jehovah for the opportunity to fulfill his vows day after day.

59. An entrance procedure requiring a three-year novitiate and solemn vows ensured a committed membership.

60. This principle operated absolutely with regard to monastic vows, even in their most inchoate state.

61. I had always wondered why the Catholic Church insists on celibacy vows for its clergy.

62. How did he learn that the sailors feared Jehovah, offered Him a sacrifice, and made vows?

63. She finds exactly the right words for the bride and stands at the ceremony mouthing the vows.

64. 1 day ago · Emmert vows review of NCAA facility 'Blunders' 1d Heather Dinich

65. In 1915, he took formal vows into the monastic Swami order and became Swami Yogananda Giri.

66. A Cloistered nun takes the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in her marriage to Jesus

67. I would get 36 lashings by breaking 36 vows, and each hitting rod must be broken!

68. The Canonesses have grown from five members to 25 members, ten of whom who are in final vows

69. Synonyms for Betroths include commits, contracts, promises, vows, binds, affiances, engages, espouses, becomes engaged and gives one's hand

70. Indeed, most men who have committed adultery valued fidelity, but despite their values they tragically abandoned their vows.

71. "Papa Doc" vows to extend power to the black masses but turns the country into a police state.

72. You take your vows, you are personable, you ingratiate yourself both with Lady Amelia and Lady Eleanor.

73. North Korea's Kim vows to Comprehensively expand diplomacy at party congress By Hyonhee Shin 1/8/2021

74. The Warsaw Declaration vows that the suffering of victims of totalitarian regimes "will not sink into oblivion."

75. It shares the conventions of ancient drama: unbreakable vows, divided kingdoms, miraculous births, meddlesome and slippery gods.

76. A Canonry chapter is the college of all members incorporated by perpetual vows into a particular Canonry.

77. “Of every three British women under 20 reciting her marriage vows, one is already an expectant mother.”

78. Cloistered nuns are Catholic women who have consecrated themselves to God through religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience

79. Beguines were laywomen, not nuns, and thus did not take solemn vows and did not live in monasteries

80. He would need to repeat his vows in the land of the living and drink from the wine of ages.