Use "vowed" in a sentence

1. Redemption of vowed things (1-27)

2. They vowed vengeance against the oppressor.

3. He vowed he would lose weight.

4. Farr has vowed to reintroduce the bill.

5. She vowed to avenge her brother's death.

6. He silently vowed vengeance on them all.

7. I vowed to question Lili about predestination.

8. He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.

9. She vowed never to play cupid again.

10. Ben vowed to avenge his mother's death.

11. The mayors vowed to snuff out gun crime.

12. They have vowed to protect the country's territorial integrity.

13. Herself a huntress, Arethusa vowed never to marry.

14. Opponents in the Senate have vowed to filibuster.

15. He has vowed to solve the crime almost as often as he has vowed to resume the life he used to live.

16. 11 They have vowed a quick and decisive response.

17. The government has vowed to stamp out political corruption.

18. But I vowed to master the chaos, to impose order.

19. 2 He vowed he would never throw in the towel.

20. He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful, thieving wife.

21. I vowed to abstain from meat and all excesses.

22. He vowed to himself to avenge his martyred comrade.

23. 5 The mayors vowed to snuff out gun crime.

24. 10 They vowed to love each other through all eternity.

25. Mao vowed to increase agricultural production to twice 1957 levels.

26. She has vowed to stand by her husband during his trial.

27. Campaigners vowed to carry on the struggle to the bitter end.

28. 8 I vowed never to set foot in the place again.

29. I vowed to never go into a chat room again.

30. She vowed to take her fight to the High Court.

31. They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.

32. They vowed to fight to the bitter end to stop it.

33. He vowed quite solemnly that he would carry out his promise.

34. The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.

35. The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.

36. He would fight my case to the bitter end, he vowed.

37. Employees have vowed to fight the closure to the bitter end .

38. After his release from prison, John vowed to live down his crimes.

39. 21 After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.

40. They vowed revenge for their loss, while searching for the girl.

41. Inwardly she was seething, and vowed to get her own back.

42. An Anchoress was a woman vowed to chastity and stability of abode

43. After his release from prison, he vowed to live down his crimes.

44. The surrounding Arab nations had vowed to prevent this at any cost.

45. Wipe away tears, Vowed to look after the only other people cry!

46. Vowed Charnel, who traveled everyplace With her slippered foot in a velvet case.

47. He vowed that if he stayed alive, he would look for God.

48. 20 Industry leaders, however,[] vowed to stick with their current system.

49. 15 Chinese officials have vowed to vaccinate the country's entire stock of poultry.

50. Who vowed never to offer up that special pork - barrel project for your hometown?

51. Arapaho also vowed to donate property or fast for supernatural aid in other contexts

52. Katie wants to lose weight, so she has vowed to Abstain from sugar

53. Synonyms for Covenanted include promised, contracted, pledged, agreed, undertook, undertaken, vowed, bargained, engaged and guaranteed

54. The government, far from being cowed by these threats, has vowed to continue its policy.

55. The US state department vowed to forge a " measured and unified " stance with major powers .

56. Palestinian official vowed that the battle of Beirut would be the Stalingrad of the Arabs.

57. Upon his release, Osceola vowed retribution; on December Thompson was slain by the Seminoles in retaliation.

58. 21 Two days after the tower opened, Hyundai vowed it would break the record by midyear.

59. 5 Mazowiecki's government had earlier vowed to end monopolistic practices and state subsidies for parties.

60. The Sri Lanka Air Force has openly vowed to destroy the entire leadership of the LTTE.

61. China regards TAiwan as a breakaway province which it has vowed to retake, by force if necessary

62. The two sides vowed to build the South China Sea a place of peace , friendship and cooperation .

63. The North has not retaliated militarily but amid the rising tension last week vowed a " sacred war " .

64. I vowed that day that never again would I be helpless in the face of tyranny.

65. FARC leaders have vowed to increase their terror campaign against the U.S. - controlled puppet government of Colombia.

66. Obama has vowed to change American policy toward Iran, opening diplomatic channels rather than merely issuing military threats.

67. THE Overtones have vowed to continue late Bandmate Timmy Matley's legacy three years after his tragic death.

68. They also vowed to erase this data after 18 months if the AskEraser option is not set.

69. He vowed to avenge their deaths but was persuaded to turn his strength into an agent for good.

70. 26 Opponents in Parliament, which has to vote on the measure, vowed to fight it tooth and nail.

71. Tamir, one of several sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.

72. She is not strong-minded people, they had power over to me, and vowed that I'm not sorry.

73. She had vowed to go out of her way to engage with the Irish people at local community level.

74. You and your mate likely have solemnly vowed before God and man to stay together, come what may.

75. Joe Biden vowed Thursday to end America's "days of Cozying up to dictators" as he accepted the …

76. Today's talk about the contents of two parts, one man vowed to Dingle , one operating room commonly used English.

77. The Biafran National Guard, BNG, has vowed to hoist the Biafran Military Flag of Authority by 30th of May, 2021

78. Daschle has vowed to stall the funding issue by filibuster if Republicans attempt to push through a plan Democrats oppose.

79. Since taking over as district attorney last year, he has vowed to vigorously prosecute anyone who violently preys on streetwalkers.

80. Well, if Isabel had any ideas of playing on that one unguarded remark she could think again, he vowed grimly.