Use "voluntary active euthanasia" in a sentence

1. Should voluntary euthanasia assisted suicide be legalized?

2. They argued in favour of legalizing voluntary euthanasia .

3. “Active,” or “positive,” euthanasia means hastening death by poison or in some other way.

4. Thus family members, physicians or nurses may exert pressure on patients to opt for active euthanasia.

5. Euthanasia is illegal in most countries.

6. Should euthanasia be made legal?

7. Two Casuistries Applied to Euthanasia

8. Part four: Fortune's wheel of euthanasia in China.

9. Nobody is Advocation Euthanasia for black children

10. By refusing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse.

11. Anoxia offers a total solution for responsible euthanasia

12. In the Netherlands euthanasia has already been legalized.

13. There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.

14. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

15. Otherwise, they become candidates for adoption or euthanasia.

16. They canvassed the pros and cons of euthanasia.

17. Now the Dutch are considering permitting euthanasia for babies.

18. A literal translation of 'euthanasia' would be 'good death'.

19. Euthanasia, assisted dying – both are artificial precipitation of death.

20. Most doctors are opposed to euthanasia on ethical grounds.

21. Voluntary regression.

22. Euthanasia can really relieve the pain of dying patients.

23. Euthanasia for terminally ill patients is a political hot potato.

24. Except the Netherlands all the European nations consider euthanasia illegal.

25. Because euthanasia is politically correct, prosecutors are often unwilling to press charges.

26. Voluntary submissions Voluntary submissions from industry for food packaging materials and incidental additives.

27. 6 Euthanasia for terminally ill patients is a political hot potato.

28. He took voluntary redundancy.

29. There has always been very strong support for euthanasia in the ACT.

30. Voluntary giving brings joy

31. Special Voluntary Trust Fund for the Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities

32. The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer.

33. Special Voluntary Trust Fund for the additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities

34. She took voluntary redundancy.

35. Financially Supported by Voluntary Contributions

36. She does voluntary social work.

37. But it seems that these profit-hungry hospitals have found a way of practising legalised euthanasia.

38. Conciliation is a voluntary process

39. Voluntary therapeutic interruption of pregnancy

40. The prisonermade a voluntary statement.

41. The decision caused a huge public outcry and a national debate on euthanasia.

42. The climate of opinion on the sensitive topic of euthanasia is changing gradually.

43. Voluntary Bumpings Section (Passenger Benefits) U.S

44. Voluntary contributions and trust fund activities

45. Births and Voluntary Interruptions of Pregnancy

46. That he bumped me is voluntary.

47. We rely entirely on voluntary contributions.

48. Job Abandonment is a voluntary termination.

49. Contributions are all voluntary and unsolicited.

50. They chose to take voluntary redundancy.

51. Special Voluntary Trust Fund for the Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities of the Biosafety Protocol

52. ◦ A voluntary, ad hoc approach (voluntary steering committee representing existing organizations, volunteered resources, ad hoc meetings and initiatives)?

53. It mainly introduces theoretical foundation of euthanasia decimalization that included ethical and penal foundation.

54. Bank Clearinghouses are generally voluntary associations

55. Voluntary Annexation of noncontiguous areas (G.S

56. How are the voluntary contributions used?

57. We rely entirely on voluntary contribution.

58. The firm went into voluntary liquidation.

59. Voluntary Severance that staff will have individual voluntary Severance options made available to them for a limited period.

60. And not all these moves were voluntary.

61. Requirements and Voluntary Donations in the Past

62. Super Chat voluntary payments are non-refundable.

63. We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers.

64. Voluntary contribution to International Organizations (In crores)

65. Our activities are supported by voluntary donations.

66. He does voluntary work in a hospital.

67. Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.

68. Applications for voluntary repatriation virtually dried up.

69. Although some people campaign for the right to euthanasia, it is still illegal in most countries.

70. The organization depended heavily on voluntary help.

71. They go into voluntary or compulsory liquidation.

72. Supplementary pensions, additional voluntary contribution pensions, funded pensions

73. All Artiodactyl brains were perfusion fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer through the carotid arteries following euthanasia …

74. Initially, resource mobilization was voluntary and ad hoc

75. She had been in voluntary exile since 19

76. Our local chambers of commerce are voluntary organizations.

77. Awarn SUMMIT: Developing a Voluntary Roadmap for Next

78. Practicing voluntary giving has brought Genival true joy.

79. She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.

80. This work is all supported by voluntary donations.