Use "vole" in a sentence

1. However, another vole relative called the montane vole, has no interest in partnership beyond sex.

2. However, anotIT vole relative titled the montane vole, have no interest in partnership beyond sex.

3. All for the little darling vole.

4. The prairie vole is one such animal.

5. Clean - cultivation reduces vole survival and reproduction.

6. By altering the small animal's brain hormone chemistry, scientists have made a promiscuous meadow vole faithful - just like its prairie vole cousin.

7. She went the vole and finally settled on teaching.

8. Objective To comprehend the vole of MRI in diagnosing multiple clerosis.

9. Visitors also can see coyotes, chipmunks, raccoons, marmots and vole.

10. The smallest vole in its range, it weighs around 19 g (0.67 oz).

11. The two vole species are more than 99 % alike , genetically . WWW . DAGONG

12. His cousin, the montane vole, is kind of a hit-and-run guy.

13. Thus, birds can “identify areas of high vole density” and focus their efforts there.

14. Their study was conducted in the prairie vole, a small rodent that mates for life.

15. Vole mandible from Westbury deposits showing the results of insitu break down of the bone.

16. The two hedgehogs stood on the bank and watched as the vole paddled away.

17. The details of what is going on — the vole story, as it were — is a fascinating one.

18. During autumn Field vole populations migrated from grassy areas under old trees to adjacent grassy afforestations without old trees.

19. The vole moved slowly, right beneath the dark form of the terrier now swimming in the Backwater

20. It had the cunning of the vole. Like the owl, it could lose itself in the forest.

21. Hostess To study how pair-bonding happens, researchers have turned to a small, brown rodent, called the prairie vole.

22. Primera radi, muškarci vole da imaju dobre automobile ili skupocene satove, a žene žele najskuplje i najkvalitetnije Bunde

23. It was still difficult to conclude its annual cyclical fluctuations Although the seasonal fluctuation of the vole was known.

24. Losses by addled eggs and nestling mortality differ with the available amount of food in relation to the vole-cycles.

25. A Cinereous vulture crossed the sky, and a redfooted falcon plucked a vole out of the grass not thirty yards from our tires

26. In the prairie vole, oxytocin released into the brain of the female during sexual activity is important for forming a pair bond with her sexual partner.

27. sure enough, when a female prairie vole mates, there is a 50% increase in the level of dopamine in the reward centre of her brain.

28. My lord, members of the jury, the prosecution has very ably presented against the prisoner, Leonard Vole, a case with the most overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

29. The results showed that there was no significant difference in odor preference and individual preference, no matter the female vole was on estrous or not.

30. In late autumn, least weasels often surplus kill vole and then dig them up and eat them on winter days when it is too cold to hunt.

31. In the northern part of its range, the species often occurs with the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), but no evidence shows they compete with each other.

32. Because the prairie vole has the needed receptors in its brain for these hormones in the regions responsible for reward and reinforcement, it forms a bond with its mate.

33. The great gray owl has such acute hearing that it can detect and track a vole moving about beneath the snow —providing that the snow is not too deep.

34. Benevolt facilite la rencontre entre celles et ceux qui ont envie de vivre une aventure bénévole singulière, agréable et sympathique dans une association. Benevolt, adj

35. IN BRIEF: Pringle tubes recycled as vole holes The ordeal was aimed at Acclimatising him to the harsh conditions he will encounter when he takes part in the Ice-Warrior expeditions to the North Pole in March.

36. Whether a home or a business is in need of mice removal, squirrel, skunk, raccoon, bat, rat, bird or vole control, the seasoned professionals at Critter Guard are able to get the job done swiftly and efficiently